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Announcing the 2022 State of Open Source Security report from Snyk and the Linux Foundation

Open source software is a key component in modern applications. It has created a new era in software development, promoting a free exchange of ideas within the developer community and enabling developers to build more functional software, faster than ever. Based on most estimates, 70-90% of any piece of modern software includes open source code.

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How to decide what to fix when you can't fix everything

Contributing to a legacy software development project, as a security-aware developer, is a bit like inheriting an old house. In my old house, the roof is missing tiles, the bathroom taps are dripping, the front door doesn't lock properly, the hallway needs redecorating and there are worrying cracks in the foundations. I don't know where to start. The security problems with the application I've recently (hypothetically) joined are similarly vexing and diverse. It has deprecated dependencies to older versions of software libraries. It could be misconfigured using insecure protocols.

Bringing cloud native application security full circle

The cloud has enabled organizations to build and deploy applications faster than ever, but security has become more complex. The shift to cloud has created a world where everything is code — not just the applications, but also the infrastructure they run on. So, any security issue within an application or cloud environment can put an entire system at risk. And keeping that cloud native application stack secure is increasingly the responsibility of development teams.

Safer together: Snyk and CISPA collaborate for the greater good

Great things happen when the academic world and the software industry work together! Today, we’d like to share a story about our recent collaboration with the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, a big science institution in Germany. Back in January, Cris Staicu Ph.D. (Tenure-Track Faculty, CISPA), contacted us about his research on NodeJS and JavaScript.

Using Rego as a generic policy language

Policies have a vital role in every organization, but can mean a lot of different things depending on the context. For our purposes, a policy refers to the principles or ideas that an organization uses to make decisions. In this post, we’ll discuss Open Policy Agent (OPA) and its rule language, Rego, highlighting how we can use them to write a simple policy for a payroll microservice.

SnykWeek Boston: Perspectives on developer security adoption

During SnykWeek Boston, Simon Maple (Field CTO, Snyk) led a panel discussion about developer adoption of application security. The panelists included: Want the TL;DR? Here are some of our favorite takeaways: Read on to dive deeper into these illuminating insights around organizing security teams, setting security goals, empowering developers, improving compliance, and much more.

Snyk finds 200+ malicious npm packages, including Cobalt Strike dependency confusion attacks

Snyk recently discovered overt 200 malicious packages in the npm registry. While we acknowledge that vulnerability fatigue is an issue for developers, this article is not about the typical case of typosquatting or random malicious package. This article shares the findings of targeted attacks aimed at businesses and corporations that Snyk was able to detect and share the insights.

The importance of security automation

Security is a critical, if somewhat overwhelming, task for any organization. As products grow and teams expand, the challenge of maintaining a security posture at scale increases as well. This is where automation comes in. The ability to automate security tasks offers obvious benefits such as increased speed, while also driving deeper shifts in a company’s culture and processes.