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Complete Cyber Security Jargons by Appknox

Cyberattacks are getting common and their impact is quite severe. Security breaches are no longer limited to a few large tech companies. Cybercriminals have rapidly altered tactics and started targeting several Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as well. Today, companies, big or small, are targets of ransomware, viruses, malware, bots etc. Hence, it is important to understand some of the common cybersecurity keywords or jargon.

Problematic JavaScript Vulnerabilities And Their Fixes Every Developer Should Know

A web developer’s ultimate goal is to not only develop a website or an app that is aesthetically and functionally stunning but highly secure as well. Cybersecurity is inevitable and no end-user would want to have an app that could breach or compromise their data security and integrity (no matter how useful the app is). With hackers and middlemen working on creative ways to explore vulnerabilities, it is on developers like us to take charge and be a step ahead of them.

Web Application Penetration Testing Checklist that You Need to Know About

Adaptation of large-scale web applications at a wider level in several multi-faced industry verticals like healthcare, banking, intelligence services and others has exposed them to massive data breaches. Despite increasing awareness about security, complex threat vectors continue to put organizations across the globe under attack.

5 Ways Your Cryptocurrency May be Hacked

Over time technologies evolved and now things that seemed to be not possible several years ago become the reality. Now you can order food, services, and basically anything you need online, and pay for it without leaving home. No surprise here, that cash payments are becoming a relic of the past. Along with wireless payments like Google or Apple pay (that still require assigning a banking account or card i.e. physical currency), the cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are getting widely used.

Top 6 Security Trends in Fintech for the Year 2021

With the onset of the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, cybercriminals started looking for opportunities to threaten the already suffering businesses through malware, ransomware, and social engineering attacks. Amidst this public health crisis, a new remote working culture evolved as remotely connected workplaces had to adapt rapidly to a greater digital threat emerging online.

Top 5 Most Powerful IoT Security Testing Tools

The network of interconnecting devices to exchange data popularly known as the Internet of Things is evolving rapidly in the fast-paced industry of technology. However, advancement in IoT has also taken a toll on security. IoT Systems strive to enhance productivity, efficiency, and flexibility but also invite uncalled risks to the network. IoT Security stands as the need of the hour for secure and holistic development.

Vulnerability Management: Top 6 Best Practices for Developers in 2021

Companies with a presence on the internet and widespread networks are increasingly being targeted by malicious code writers. There’s ample evidence to suggest hackers and Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups routinely run campaigns trying to snare employees, contractors, etc. to steal data or hold it for ransom. Simply put, cyber threats and cyberattacks are on the rise.

Complete Guide on Man in the Middle Attack ( MITM ) For Mobile Applications

Businesses have known for a long time that there always are weak links in security, especially mobile security. The worse part is not that businesses get affected by these security issues, but the fact that public awareness is terribly low on how vulnerable this can be. The man in the middle attack has been one of the most exploited ways hackers have tried and managed to steal information and money.

The Role of AI and ML in Preventing Cybercrime

According to a seminal Clark School study, a hacker attacks a computer with internet access every 39 seconds. What’s more, almost a third of all Americans have been harmed by a hacker at one point or another, and more than two-thirds of companies have been victims of web-based attacks. A 2020 IBM study showed that the total cost of data breaches worldwide amounted to $3.9 million, which just may sound the death knell for many businesses affected by breaches.