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7 Best Practices for Effective Third-Party Cyber Risk Management

While the digital world provides many benefits, there are also various risks involved within the third-party risk category. Also, the category of the risks can be quite long i.e. financial, environmental, security risk and reputational. Firms are often required to open their network and share data related to the company, employees, customers etc. which puts them at significant risk of cybersecurity issues, breaches and loss of sensitive data.

Gaming Application Penetration Testing - My Favorite 9 Business Logical Flaws

The target application is an online gaming application that offers a variety of games to play. You can earn money by playing a variety of games. This application organizes various battles. As a result, two users can participate in the games and win money. This application also gives users coins for playing games, which they can later exchange for buying profile pictures and other items & also users can withdraw the earned money later.

What is Penetration Testing: Definition, Methods, and Examples

The frequency and severity of cybersecurity attacks are increasing with each passing year. That's why many organizations are now putting greater focus on different ways to withstand online attacks. There are also regulations like HIPAA, PCI, GDPR, and DSS that mandate periodic penetration testing in order to remain current with all requirements.

What's New in the Automotive Sector Cybersecurity Update 2022?

With new threat actors appearing every day, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly crucial, particularly in the automotive industry. One of the most well-known applications of the internet of things is connected vehicles. In reality, with between 70 and 100 Electronic Control Units (ECUs) integrated into each vehicle, automobiles have evolved to become the key players in internet-of-things environments.

White Box Cryptography- Everything You Need to Know

In the world of heinous and sophisticated crimes, cryptography is the next-gen solution needed to resolve the concern. Whitebox cryptography combines encryption and obfuscation methods to embed secret keys in application code. The aim is to combine code and key in such a way that an attacker cannot distinguish between the two and the new "white-box" program can be safely executed in an insecure environment.

Top 5 Gaming Cybersecurity Trends for 2022 that you Need to Know

If we talk about industries that have skyrocketed immensely in recent times, mobile gaming would certainly top the list. However, as fun and profitable mobile games are for users and business owners, they involve unimaginable security risks. Mobile games involve volumes of sensitive user and business data and provide a very profitable setting for cybercriminals to take advantage of.

Key Criteria for Choosing Mobile App Security Solution Vendor

Mobile phone apps are more popular than ever with a rapidly expanding user base each year. They have literally made everything come to the fingertips of the users and there’s a significant demand for mobile apps for just about everything, generating great competition and pressure among app developers around the world.

Top 7 BFSI Cybersecurity Trends for 2022 that you Need to Know

BFSI (Banking, Financial Service and Insurance) organizations have remained a primary target of cybercriminals over the last several years. Given the amount of sensitive data that the BFSI sector has to deal with, they become an obvious goldmine for hackers and that is why they have to prioritise cybersecurity above all else. As a matter of fact, more than 70% of fintech companies cited information security as their top concern in the Sixth Annual Bank Survey.

Appknox Research reveals 91% of Fintech Apps Fail Basic Security Tests

The unexpected and rapid switch from the global workforce to the WFH setup caused by the coronavirus pandemic has prompted companies around the world to make extensive infrastructure adjustments to support employees working exclusively from home. According to the new IDC forecast, the number of mobile workers in the US will steadily increase from 78.5 million in 2020 to 93.5 million in 2024 over the next four years.

Understanding Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)

IDOR is a broken access control vulnerability where invalidated user input can be used to perform unauthorized access to application functions. IDOR can result in sensitive information disclosure, information tampering etc. This issue was previously part of OWASP top 10 2007, later it was merged with OWASP top 10 A5 Broken Access control vulnerability.