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What is NIST Cybersecurity Framework? ( CSF ) | Complete Guide

NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) is a voluntary security framework created through industry, academic, and US government collaboration that aims at reducing cyber risks to critical infrastructure. The framework is a result of the Presidential Executive Order (EO) 13636 that directed NIST to develop a framework in collaboration with the security stakeholders of the economic and National security of the US.

8 Different Ways to Bypass SSL Pinning in iOS application

SSL Pinning is a technique that we use on the client-side to avoid a man-in-the-middle attack by validating the server certificates. The developers embed (or pin) a list of trustful certificates to the client application during development, and use them to compare against the server certificates during runtime. If there is a mismatch between the server and the local copy of certificates, the connection will simply be disrupted, and no further user data will be even sent to that server.

Everything You Need to Know About Open Banking Security

Financial services have developed at a breakneck pace, resulting in fierce competition among financial technologies. These services in the digital age must be characterized by three words: rapid, efficient, and intuitive. It is no longer necessary to wait in queues to speak with a bank teller. Consumers today want to manage their accounts using their smartphones, and banks want to earn their loyalty. What is the common ground? Using modern technologies to find new methods of doing things.

Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) & Its Implications in 2021

2021 has witnessed a surge of ransomware attacks. Also, the attackers are targeting businesses that are critical to the public infrastructure, such as oil pipelines and international meat producers. Further, the demands for ransom have increased and the cost of clean-up has also doubled over the last year. There are two major reasons for this sudden spike in ransomware attacks: Like SaaS, RaaS also has a flexible business approach.

Everything You Need to Know About Neo Bank Security

Of all the modern business ecosystems, the Fintech sector is one of the most volatile landscapes that is teeming with industry and technological disruptions. And, adding to the pre-existing list is Neobanking. Currently, there are 246 neo banks in the world, and the market projections suggest an annual average growth rate (CAGR) of 47.7 percent until 2028, amounting to 722.6 billion U.S. dollars.

Everything You Need to Know about iOS Jailbreak Detection Bypass

iOS has always been considered a safe haven when it comes to mobile application security. Every year this operating system tries to come up with more and more efficient updates to make life easy for its users and the respective application and security service providers. However, for tech-savvy users, these timely improvements may not sound enough and there are always people who consider that there is room for more improvement. And hence comes the term ‘Jailbreaking’.

Appknox Webinar: Building Org-Wide Software Security Practices

Continuing on our exciting and informative webinar series, last week Appknox hosted a webinar on 'Building Org-Wide Software Security Practices'. Organized in association with Xoxoday, the leading technology platform helping businesses manage incentives, rewards, incentives and loyalty programs, I had an amazing discussion regarding various aspects of security when it comes to org-wide business initiatives and so much more with Mr Srivatsan Mohan (VP, Xoxoday).

A Comprehensive Approach to DAST

In the modern DevOps framework, the security has shifted to the left and Application Security Testing (AST) techniques like DAST have become even more important. The latest Forrester reports indicate that application weaknesses and software vulnerabilities are the most common attack methods, and businesses fall victim to ransomware every 11 seconds. Further, modern-day businesses are consistently grappling with fast-paced development and industry disruptions.

What are Mobile App Security Standards?

With an increasing overflow of threats and attacks on mobile apps, businesses are now more concerned than ever about making their apps safe and secure for their users. Even the apps which were deemed to be secure and impenetrable are now being crept into with severe vulnerabilities. And this is why there is a huge priority shift happening across the globe towards mobile app security. According to Gartner , the global market for information security is expected to cross a market cap of$170.4 billion.

Key Insights into Gartner Hype Cycle for Application Security 2021

Gartner Hype Cycle started as a graphical representation method to represent the adoption, evolution, and maturity of new emerging technologies. Over time, it has now transformed into a highly potent and reliable powerhouse of smart insights into how emerging technologies will evolve in the future.