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How to Change File and Folder Permissions (NTFS) in Windows

There are many cases where you will need to restrict your file or folder security to yourself or a certain group of users. Like, you can assign a specific folder in your computer where your home users can access music, images, or videos, or at the workplace to access work files, documents, or more, but you want to restrict the access permissions of users only to that group of files or folders, not your whole computer system.

SQL Server Security: Best Practices 2021

In today’s world where digital data is increasing exponentially by the day, the administration and querying of that data are also becoming more and more complex. This huge amount of data is stored in the form of collections within a database. However, in order to create, read, update or delete that data, the database administrators needed the ability to query the database.

What is Cyber Resilience?

Since the covid-19, the cyber incident ratio has drastically increased and shows no signs of settling down. In just one year, cyber-attacks have targeted big enterprises, government agencies of the world’s leading countries, educational institutes, non-government organisations (NGOs), and small to mid-sized businesses. It is estimated that threat actors carry out cyber attacks every 39 seconds, which is relatively faster than before.

What is LDAP Server? How does it work?

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a cross-platform vendor-neutral software protocol used for directory service authentication. For simplicity, imagine the LDAP server as a comprehensive virtual phone book. The phone book gives access to an extensive directory of contact information for hundreds of people. Using LDAP, it is easy to search through the phone book and find whatever information is needed.

How to manage and secure service accounts: Best practices

Service accounts can be privileged local user or domain user accounts or have domain administrative privileges. Service accounts best practice involves usage to execute applications and run automated services. A single service account can easily be referenced in many applications or processes. The critical nature of their usage and their use makes them challenging to manage.

LDAP vs Active Directory: What's the Difference

The main difference in LDAP vs Active Directory is that while both LDAP and Active Directory are used for querying user identity information, AD contains a complete network operating system with services such as DNS, DHCP etc. In contrast, LDAP does not have any of those functionalities. Understanding LDAP plays an essential part in getting to know your Active Directory better and preventing data breaches and unauthorised access.

Cyber Hygiene: Importance, Benefits and Best Practices

The internet and all of its conveniences have had a significant impact on how we do business. Our reliance on technology has never been greater, which means cyber hygiene is more important than ever before. In this blog post, we will talk about cyber hygiene, its benefits and why it’s so essential for businesses to practice it.

Cyber Security Incident Response Plan - How to Create One?

Cyberattack is one of the common threats that modern businesses are facing today. Despite the growing threat landscape of cybersecurity attacks, many small and medium companies that experience data breaches and threats do not have adequate preparations. This includes prevention measures before the attack and incident response plans during/after the attack.

Nuts and bolts of MITRE ATT&CK framework

To thrive in today’s cybersecurity landscape, learning the art of defence is essential, and layering this approach with Att&ck framework techniques has become a necessity. It means your organization needs to have a cybersecurity team to ensure that every aspect of your infrastructure is secured through processes, technical controls, and people.