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ICMAD SAP Vulnerability (CVE-2022-22536) - Critical Risk

SAP stands for System Applications and Products in data processing, the market leader in ERP software, helping some of the biggest names in the business. The application tier is often the heart of the entire SAP ERP system, looking after interfacing with other apps, transactions, jobs, reporting and database access.

Wi-Fi Hacking: How to Secure a Wireless Network?

In this modern world of fast-moving technology and handheld devices, it seems impossible to function properly without access to wireless internet. People all over the world from all walks of life rely on this wireless communication or Wi-Fi to complete their daily tasks and goals. From entertainment to business all things are done with the help of the wireless internet.

Benefits of Cyber Security: Importance for Businesses and Individuals

Cyber security is a crucial element of the digital age. You may not notice it, but cyber attacks are happening every day to companies and individuals alike. We’ve got you covered with this detailed guide on the importance and benefits of cyber security along with the mitigation strategies and tips for protection against cyber attacks.