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Top 6 Healthcare Cyber Security Threats and Best Practices (2021)

Security threats in healthcare relate to safety of the clinical and administrative information systems of hospitals and healthcare service providers. Increasing cyber attacks on healthcare organisations in the last few years have been faster than the improvements in healthcare cybersecurity practices. In this article, we discuss the cyber security threats and vulnerabilities of hospitals and healthcare providers, followed by best security practices aimed at improving security posture.

Facts About Computer Viruses & Malware (including 6 Virus Myths)

Our article provides an overview of the most common forms of computer viruses along with some punches of computer fun facts, history & interesting facts about computer viruses and other types of malware. A few weeks ago, we also published cyber security glossary, simplifying geeky terms for general readers.

eCommerce Security : Cyber Threats & Best Practices (2021)

Before the eCommerce growth, traditional stores were targeted with Point of Sale and general cyber security risks. This equation is different and more complex today. It is difficult to talk about the best security practices without discussing cyber security risks challenging eCommerce sector growth. It is also a recommended read if the reader is considering sourcing eCommerce solutions to improve their eCommerce business security.

OWASP API Security Top 10 (With examples & fixes)

The OWASP, stands for The Open Web Application Security Project, is a non-profit foundation that works to improve application security by listing guidance such as top OWASP API security vulnerabilities and their prevention. Through community-led projects globally, it is a great source for tools, resources, education & training for developers and technologists to secure the web and mobile applications.

OWASP Top 10 Application Security Risks (With Examples & Recommendations)

OWASP stands for The Open Web Application Security Project. It is a non-profit foundation that works to improve application security for software. Through community-led projects globally, it is a great source for tools, resources, education & training for developers and technologists to secure the web and mobile applications. Read our article to learn more about the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities with examples.

Top 7 Office 365 Security Best Practices (includes Actionable Tips)

Follow our best-practice recommendations for Office 365 security. These security recommendations would help you avoid common configuration errors and improve security posture to protect Office 365 against cyber attacks. Microsoft Exchange online is one of the many products in O365 offering. It is a cloud-based messaging solution consisting of an Exchange server.

Red Team vs Penetration Testing - Which one is the right choice for your business?

Whether it’s a security assessment, a vulnerability scan, a red team or a pen test – What’s common? To identify issues and mitigate them from an organizational risk perspective. This article is aimed at weeding out various confusions from the readers mind. Stock up your caffeine, we are going to cover these areas under this topic.