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Website Security Checklist | How to secure your site in 2021?

Website security should be a concern for any business owner because attackers are becoming much more sophisticated and are always looking for ways to get into customer databases even without exploiting the victim directly. In this blog, we are sharing a website security checklist to help website owners improve their websites against the most common cyber attacks.

100+ Server Security & Best Practices Tips on Securing a Server

Servers are the backbone of an organisation’s IT infrastructure as they provide both information and computational services to its users. And because of their critical role, servers are always a prime target for hackers looking to exploit any vulnerability they can find, leading to data breaches and financial and reputational damage.

OWASP Mobile Top 10 Security Vulnerabilities and Attack Prevention

Far from the days of just phone calls and text messages, mobile apps have captured our attention with efficient experiences that keep us connected to friends, family members, coworkers. It’s all at your fingertips via these amazing apps- anywhere in the world! This blog post takes you through the OWASP mobile top 10 security risks, attack scenarios from OWASP and risk remediations that help cybercriminals get their hands on sensitive data.

What is Data Leakage? Data Leak Prevention Tips

Data leaks can happen in many ways, and they’re surprisingly common. For example, a company might be hacked by cybercriminals; someone may lose their laptop with sensitive information; employee records could get lost during the relocation process. It doesn’t take much for sensitive information to get into the wrong hands. In fact, research has found that more than half of all data leakages come from human errors like typos and lost files.

Physical Penetration Testing: Top 8 attack methods and tools (2021)

Physical penetration tests are meant to simulate real-world scenarios to help assess the vulnerabilities and risks that could compromise a company’s physical security. Specialists often carry them out in this field who know how to access sensitive information, bypass controls, intercept network traffic and EM waves and more! Physical penetration testing is a vital part of any company’s security.

What is LDAP Injection? Various types with examples and attack prevention

LDAP is a way for organisations to store user credentials and use them later. It provides access control as well as mechanisms to read and modify data. If the LDAP server isn’t properly configured or secured with another layer of protection, then it could be vulnerable to an attack called LDAP injection. However, you can only protect your applications if you: 1) know what LDAP is and 2) understand what can go wrong with it.

What are Advanced Persistent Threats (APT attacks)

An Advanced Persistent Threat is a sophisticated (rarely) multi-staged attack carried out by skilled and well-organised threat actors such as organised cybercrime syndicates and nation-state actors. The majority of the times, Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) are nothing more than a fancy name with much more media frenzy around the topic of cyber attacks.