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California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Compliance: What you need to know to be compliant

The California consumer privacy act (CCPA) is a law that was passed in 2018, and it is in effect from January 1st 2020. The California attorney general’s office has not taken any enforcement action against firms that did not meet the standards until July 1st 2020. A lot of people are unsure about what this new law means for them. Like the GDPR, there are significant penalties for non-CCPA compliance and potential loss of consumer loyalty.

What is Domain Hijacking? Tips to Protect Yourself

Domain hijacking is the act of domain name theft. It can happen to individuals or organisations and it’s increasing in frequency. The name may be hijacked by someone else who passes themselves off as you, tricks your domain registrar into transferring your domain to them, or hacks into your account (sometimes through phishing) and transfers it themselves.

What are Traffic Bots? Methods to detect and stop Bot traffic!

Bot traffic is a type of traffic that is generated by automated programs, or bots. These bots can be used to generate fake traffic for testing purposes or to engage in malicious activities. Malicious bot traffic is a huge problem for many website owners, and bot detection can be difficult. There are various types of bot traffic that you need to watch out for. In this guide, we will discuss their different types and how to combat them!

What is Domain Hijacking? Tips to Protect yourself

Domain hijacking is the act of domain name theft. It can happen to individuals or organisations and it’s increasing in frequency. The name may be hijacked by someone else who passes themselves off as you, tricks your domain registrar into transferring your domain to them, or hacks into your account (sometimes through phishing) and transfers it themselves.

Top Cybersecurity Metrics (KPI) to Track

Cyber security KPI or other Key Performance Indicators are established in different areas of every organisation to track and monitor the progress towards attaining a certain goal or target. Cybersecurity is no exception here, and companies should maintain proper cybersecurity KPIs. There are many blog posts available around this topic but in this article, we have gathered a list of important cybersecurity KPIs that every organisation should consider.