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What is Dark Web Monitoring? Tracking Data Leaks & Breaches

‍Dark web monitoring is the process of tracking your organization’s information on the dark web. Dark web monitoring solutions can scan through billions of pages on the internet to find leaked or stolen information, such as compromised passwords, credentials, intellectual property, and other sensitive data being shared and sold among cybercriminals operating on the dark web.

Common Payloads Attackers Plant in Malicious Software Packages

In this third post in our series on Malicious Software Packages, we’ll focus on the aftermath of a successful attack and how the attacker executes payloads to serve their needs through various real-life scenarios. Before we start, let’s review a few highlights from the second post you might’ve missed: Now, let’s get to blog three in the series.

Is My Phone Hacked? Here's How You Can Tell and What to Do

In today’s digital world, we rely on our mobile devices to navigate much of our daily lives. Beyond making calls and sending text messages, we use our phones for online shopping, banking, work, personal reminders, photos, videos, and so much more. While this technology offers great possibilities and convenience, it also can put your personal data at risk.

Network Security 101: A Brief Intro to Securing Networks

We live in a world of rapid technological advancements. Technologies such as big data, the internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence have created a world full of opportunities and solutions. However, it has also opened doors to increased threats, cyberattacks and network vulnerabilities. This post will explain network security, including relevant concepts and issues, as well as best practices that can your organizations secure all your networks and surfaces.

How Can Fuzzing Help Find Bugs in Hardware?

The growing complexity of embedded systems coupled with the advent of increasingly sophisticated security attacks highlights a dire need for advanced automated vulnerability analysis tools. Fuzzing is an effective proven technique to find security-critical issues in systems, often without needing to fully understand the internals of the system under test.

Strengthen Cybersecurity with Shift-left and Shield-right Practices

Cyber attacks are an unfortunate reality in our interconnected world. The art of keeping up with malicious actors is challenging, but even more so with the move to cloud-native technologies. As a result, security is evolving. Developers, DevOps, and cloud teams must now learn a new set of best practices that balance shift-left and shield-right security approaches to reduce risk. There has never been a more critical time to revisit your cybersecurity strategy.

Important changes to ISO 27001 in 2022

In October 2022, ISO 27001 introduced new changes. The internationally recognised standard on how to manage your information security was first launched in 2005 and underwent its last update in 2013. Since then, new technologies have emerged to dominate the business landscape, such as cloud computing, which has brought new security challenges. It’s estimated that global cybercrime is expected to grow by 15% per year, totaling a staggering $10.5 trillion by 2025.

Cloud security fundamentals part 5: measure what matters

Many security engineers have woken up to dozens of Slack messages and emails telling them the day they dreaded is here: a vulnerability has been deployed, and now it must be fixed. Meetings and plans are abandoned while security engineers rush to fix the problem. It’s often a process failure that has led to the now-urgent issue. And these emergency issues can appear across a spectrum that includes all types of remediation efforts.

What is Keeper Security?

Keeper is your first line of protection, for yourself and your business. For businesses seeking the best cybersecurity available, Keeper’s distinctive security architecture safeguards systems and data with a simple, quick-to-deploy solution. You can feel secure about the security of your organization because of Keeper’s visibility, management, and compliance features. Keeper will guarantee the security of all your private information with our leading password manager software.