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Insider Threats

The latest News and Information on Insider Threats including employee monitoring and data privacy.

Are Your Employees Creating Risks For Your Organization While Working at Home?

This is the important question that Veriato Head of Product & Technology, Jay Godse asks in his new article, published this week. With so many employees working from home, it’s hard for CISOs, managers and HR leaders to know what they are doing, and that creates risk. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Threats to the company are much harder to spot when people are working at home.

Privileged Access Management: Essential and Advanced Practices

Managing access rights of privileged users is one of the cornerstones of data security. That’s why the privileged access management (PAM) market is booming with tools and practices. But this variety of PAM options makes it challenging to figure out which practices and controls your organization can benefit from.

Ekran System Listed as a Representative Vendor in Gartner 2022 Market Guide for Insider Risk Management Solutions

NEWPORT BEACH, CA — April 22, 2022. Ekran System Inc., a recognized vendor of insider risk management software, has been listed as a Representative Vendor in the Gartner 2022 Market Guide for Insider Risk Management Solutions.1 The guide aims to help security and risk management leaders understand and implement a comprehensive insider risk management (IRM) program.

Training Will Be Key to Retaining SOC Analysts

Working in a Security Operations Center (SOC) is like working in an emergency room on a weekend shift at 2 AM. The steady stream of new alerts screaming for attention and combined with the lack of enough trained personnel make it a miracle that it all seems to work through on a string and a prayer. The question is though, when will the luck run out?

The Impact of Cyberattacks on Healthcare

While the COVID-19 pandemic brought much of the world to work together to advance medical research and slow the spread of the disease, it may be of little surprise that cyber threat actors took advantage of the pandemic for their own personal gain. While all industries can be affected by a cybersecurity incident, the nature of the health and human services industry’s mission poses unique challenges.

Insider Risk: Are You Monitoring Employees Working Outside Your Network?

Every employee is hired to do a job, but every employee also represents potential risk to their company. In the past year, 68% of employers have noted an increase in insider attacks. The top attacks include fraud, monetary gain and IP theft and cost companies millions of dollars. One major reason for an increase in insider risk in the past year is remote work. Not only are people outside of their manager’s physical view, they are often working outside of their company’s network.

How to Reduce the Risk of Former Employees Coordinating with Insider Threats

When it comes time for an employee to leave your organization, you want it to be on friendly terms. But there are definitely limits to how friendly you want folks to be after they leave. Especially when it comes to accessing materials from their old position for their new endeavors. In a recent bizarre case, it was reported that a former acting Department of Homeland Security Inspector General has pleaded guilty to stealing government software and data for use in his own product.

Moving Beyond Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD): 3 Ways to Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Today

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) is no longer just another fancy blockchain-related term used to influence the public’s and investors’ opinions. This concept thrives in many fields, turning our attention to the problems of data, system, and operational security. In this article, we discuss the FUD meaning in cybersecurity and how this concept works.