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Secure Python Development and Package Management

How do you become a secure python developer? Following best practices, and learning about application security from experts! In this session we will explore and explain explain how Python manages dependencies, the requirements.txt file, and other aspects of 3rd-party open source software. We will gently touch upon an intro to the different package managers, such as pipenv, and poetry.

Windows 10 most critical vulnerabilities for 2021

Windows 10 is probably the most used Operating System (OS) in organizations these days. The fact that every level of user in the organization, from IT experts to entities that has little knowledge in cybersecurity use it, it is prone to be targeted by attackers as a gate to the entire network. A lot of attention is invested in users’ behavior and phishing campaigns, while many risks hide in the OS itself.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: DevSecOps Puts "Security First"

The theme for the final week of Cybersecurity Awareness Month is “Cybersecurity First,” which could be the motto of many corporate security executives. Cybersecurity should be a high priority for anything technology related, but in truth it’s often an afterthought or even neglected entirely. Many business leaders and users still view security as a hindrance—rather than something that can coexist with productivity and innovation.

CVE-2021-37136 & CVE-2021-37137 - Denial of Service (DoS) in Netty's Decompressors

The JFrog Security research team has recently disclosed two denial of service issues (CVE-2021-37136, CVE-2021-37137) in Netty, a popular client/server framework which enables quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol servers and clients. In this post we will elaborate on one of the issues – CVE-2021-37136.

Popular JavaScript Library ua-parser-js Compromised via Account Takeover

A few hours ago, an npm package with more than 7 million weekly downloads was compromised. It appears an ATO (account takeover) occurred in which the author’s account was hijacked either due to a password leakage or a brute force attempt (GitHub discussion).

New Kubernetes high severity vulnerability alert: CVE-2021-25742

On Oct 21st, the Kubernetes Security Response Committee issued an alert that a new high severity vulnerability was discovered in Kubernetes with respect to the ingress-nginx - CVE-2021-25742. The issue was reported by Mitch Hulscher. Through this vulnerability, a user who can create or update ingress objects, can use the custom snippets feature to obtain all secrets in the cluster.

CISOs to Developers: Changing the Way Organizations Look at Authorization Policy

In today’s cloud-native, app-first and remote-first world, it has become a considerably more complicated task to verify the identity of a user or a service, and determine policies that say what they are and aren’t allowed to do. Yet, the first half of that problem, authentication, for the most part, is already solved because of standards like Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), OAuth and Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone (SPIFFE).

Mapping vulnerabilities to microservices with Snyk and OpsLevel

John Laban is the Founder & CEO at OpsLevel. This blog post originally appeared on the OpsLevel blog. Snyk is rapidly becoming the de facto standard for businesses that want to build security into their continuous software development processes. And with their developer-first tooling and best-in-class security intelligence, it’s no surprise.