Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


It's Time to Get Rid of Passwords in Our Infrastructure

Passwords are everywhere. Sometimes they are obvious — hardcoded in the code or laying flat in the file. Other times, they take the form of API keys, tokens, cookies or even second factors. Devs pass them in environment variables, vaults mount them on disk, teams share them over links, copy to CI/CD systems and code linters. Eventually someone leaks, intercepts or steals them. Because they pose a security risk, there is no other way to say it: passwords in our infrastructure have to go.

Three-Body Problem for Policy: Policy, Data and Software

In the early days of Styra when we were creating Open Policy Agent (OPA), we had a singular goal in mind: help engineers enforce any policy over any piece of software. We wanted people to be able to write any policy they’d like, whether it be about complex resources managed by Kubernetes or public cloud, APIs routed through gateways or service meshes, data stored in relational or document databases, application deployments controlled by CICD pipelines, and so on.

How Sweet It Is - Thinking About SBOMs In Relation to Chocolate

The SolarWinds attack in late 2020 exposed the data of more than 18,000 businesses and governmental departments – many of which are gatekeepers for the country’s most vital infrastructure. While attacks against the software supply chain aren’t new, they are increasing exponentially.

Python Malware Imitates Signed PyPI Traffic in Novel Exfiltration Technique

The JFrog Security research team continuously monitors popular open source software (OSS) repositories with our automated tooling to report vulnerable and malicious packages to repository maintainers. Earlier this year we disclosed several malicious packages targeting developers’ private data that were downloaded approximately 30K times.

What is DevOps and DevSecOps?

Among its evangelists and advocates, DevOps is about the cultural shift from traditional silo groups to the integration of a DevOps team. DevOps teams speak about change, feedback, inclusiveness, and collaboration. The goal is to bring everyone who has a seat at the table onto a common platform to work together and deliver changes to business systems safely and securely. Companies that choose to go through digital transformation use DevOps as their platform to deliver software at speed and scale.

CalCom Software Solutions is Now CIS SecureSuite Product Vendor Member

CalCom has joined the Center for Internet Security Inc. (CIS®) as a CIS SecureSuite Product Vendor Member. Membership allows product vendors the right to integrate the CIS Benchmarks™ and the CIS Controls® content into their security product and service offering(s). CIS Benchmarks and the CIS Controls are globally recognized standard best practices for securing IT systems and data against the most pervasive cyber-attacks. “We see the collaboration with the CIS as only natural.

Cyber Monday: Three Critical Cloud Components for Retail Vendors

As we embark on another holiday season in the United States, we are being told to start our holiday shopping even earlier this year to avoid some of the delays in shipping. These slowdowns stem from a number of factors, including container shortages, Covid-19 outbreaks that backlogged ports, and a dearth of truck drivers and warehouse workers. Even without the shortages and slowdowns, retailers are in for a long holiday season ahead of them as sales are predicted to grow by 7% this holiday season.

Proactively fixing vulnerabilities to maintain Java security and project hygiene with Snyk

As a developer, I spend a lot of time in my GitHub account. I write apps, little utilities, and proof of concepts for when I am learning something new. I like to think that, because I spend a lot of time on GitHub, the overall health of my account is pretty high.