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Data Security

The latest News and Information on Data Security including privacy, protection, and encryption.

Is Slack Secure from Threat Actors & Hackers in 2023?

When Uber was breached in September, the hacker remained undetected until they announced their presence within the org via Slack. This incident provides yet another example of Slack being leveraged by an attacker. In this post, we’re going to review some of the ways attackers have used Slack in breaches, why this is happening, and what you can do about it.

What Does The Twitter Chaos Tell Us About The Security Of Our Data?

What a few weeks it has been for Twitter, from the sacking of half its workforce, and the rushed release of a new feature that allows impersonation of people and brands, through to the unintentional lock out of some users with a certain multi-factor authentication (MFA) configuration enabled. Added to this, we have also seen major resignations of key individuals across the Information Security, Privacy and Compliance groups.

Data Security vs. Data Privacy: What should you be concerned with?

Data trafficking for identity theft is rife. Approximately 82% of the web contains some form of third-party scripts, with over half tracking users. 2020 saw the sharpest rise in data theft for malicious use. Over 500,000 reported identity theft cases through digital channels in the United States. These thefts are often used to perform bank and credit card fraud, government and document fraud, and loan or lease fraud.

5 Data Security Trends You Might Be Missing

Malware is becoming more sophisticated, and it would be impossible to prevent and defend from every single cyber threat out there. As the digital dependence of enterprises grows in tandem with the enterprise’s growth, we at Rubrik are seeing some consistent trends that can be mapped to their exacerbating cyber risk. In today's competitive landscape, it is even more important to secure your data to defend against cyber attacks.

Endpoint protection - the ultimate guide in 2023

Calling all enterprises, endpoint management is changing. New endpoint protection platforms & AI-powered solutions are a game-changer for companies looking to enhance their security capabilities and remain bulletproof. The worst of the pandemic appears to be behind us; however, enterprises are still adjusting to the post-COVID new normal. For many industries, remote work and the hybrid office remain essential adjustments that are not going back to normal.

Enterprise data encryption - the ultimate guide in 2023

There’s no denying that the market for data encryption solutions is multifaceted and broad. But, it must be in order to keep up with modern security gaps and evolving threats. In this article, we’ll tell you about what enterprise data encryption is, why you should care about it, some of the different types of data encryption, and how SecureAge takes a unique approach to effectively protect enterprise data without compromising existing workflows or requiring a tech overhaul.

Data-First Security should become the de facto standard

Over the past two decades we have seen security get more and more granular, going deeper into the stack generation after generation, from hardware, to network, server, container and now more and more to code. The next frontier of this evolution is data, especially sensitive data. Sensitive data is what organizations don’t want to see leaked or breached. This includes PHI, PII, PD, financial data.

Bearer's data-first security platform

Now is the time to rethink how you manage data security. We’ve discussed the potential for breaches, financial ramifications, and loss of business in the past. These get your attention, but we’re well beyond that. No company is immune to these risks anymore. It’s the “how” that trips people up. How do you account for every line of code? How do you keep tabs on third parties? How do you ensure security teams aren’t in the way of developers?

How to use data loss prevention (DLP) for LGPD Compliance

The Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) came into effect on August 16, 2020. The law creates new rights for individuals with respect to their data and imposes significant obligations on companies that process personal data. This guide will provide an overview of the key provisions of the LGPD and explain the steps that companies must take to comply with the law.