Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Automating Secure Configuration Management in the Cloud

For many organizations moving to the cloud, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) like AWS EC2, Azure Virtual Machines or Google Compute Engine often forms the backbone of their cloud architecture. These services allow you to create instances of pretty much any operating system almost instantly. Unfortunately, moving your IT infrastructure to the cloud doesn’t relieve you of your compliance or security obligations.

Cloud Scale Correlation and Investigation with Cloud SIEM

Virtually every organization is a victim of cybercrime today. As the threat landscape evolves and proliferates, it’s necessary to prioritize the protection of data, customers’ privacy and brand reputation. Security directors must be prepared and equipped with the necessary tools to detect security events and address them accordingly at all times.

Building a Foundation for "Smart" Steel Factories with Fog Computing, the Cloud and Cybersecurity

Digital technologies have been transforming our world for the past few decades. For instance, the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing have induced an evolution in the way we as society live our everyday lives as well as how many enterprises conduct business. This evolution has started to enter the industrial realm, most notably the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0 and how these forces have driven other innovative ideas such as smart factories.

Concerns and Challenges for Effective Cloud Security

In July 2019, Capital One made news headlines not for achieving another milestone but because it had been breached. Capital One was using AWS cloud services, as many businesses are doing nowadays. The problem stemmed (in part) because Capital One had a misconfigured open-source Web Application Firewall (WAF) hosted in the cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS).