Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2022

BIG things are Happening at Graylog!

Did you hear the news? Graylog is on a mission to help make your IT environment and data more efficient and secure by making it super easy to uncover the answers stored in your machine data. At Graylog, coming up with solutions to problems faced by IT and Security professionals is what drives us. Our teams are always working on ways to add meaningful functionality that increases productivity so you can focus your resources on the innovation and core competencies that you’re known for.

Digital Payment Monitoring: 5 Steps That Will Save Time, Boost Payment Security, and Increase Revenue

More and more, consumers globally are ditching cash and adopting digital payments. They expect a seamless customer experience and faster transactions. This can cause financial institutions and businesses to face new challenges in payment monitoring. According to a report from the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, in the last few years, consumer complaints about mobile payment apps and digital wallets have skyrocketed.