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Stories from the SOC - Detecting internal reconnaissance

Internal Reconnaissance, step one of the Cyber Kill Chain, is the process of collecting internal information about a target network to identify vulnerabilities that can potentially be exploited. Threat actors use the information gained from this activity to decide the most effective way to compromise the target network. Vulnerable services can be exploited by threat actors and potentially lead to a network breach. A network breach puts the company in the hands of cybercriminals.

AT&T Cybersecurity's Partner Program and SentinelOne enter managed XDR market with robust alliance

The partnership between these two market-leading vendors enables MSSPs around the world to fast-track cutting-edge MXDR services. AT&T, the leader in network and managed security services, and SentinelOne, the leader in next generation, autonomous endpoint protection, today announced a strategic alliance to help prevent cybercrime.

RSAC 2022: CrowdStrike Delivers Protection that Powers Productivity

The theme of RSA Conference 2022 succinctly captures the aftermath of the disruption we’ve all experienced over the last couple of years: Transform. Customers continue to transform and accelerate digital initiatives in response to the massive economic and technological shifts driven by the COVID-19 pandemic.

5 Questions to Ask Before Implementing an XDR Program

Ladies and gentlemen of all ages and security roles, let us dive head-first into this newish thing called XDR. There is no shortage of vendors, and researchers, providing you their definition on what XDR actually represents so it becomes is there one you agree with or not. Taking a slightly different tact to explore what does XDR mean to you, and your security team.

What does XDR mean for your organization?

As one of the hottest new buzzwords in the infosec space, XDR means many things to many people. This talk will discuss all of the possible components of an XDR solution through the lens of SOC operations, laying out the pros and cons of various approaches such as SaaS vs on-premise, specialized vs general tooling, etc. for organizations of different size, funding, and maturity levels. Best practice suggestions will be provided throughout, from general principles to specific integration code.

XDR best of breed, and how an open architecture will get you there

The security landscape is continually changing and the race to stay ahead is often one of both victory and failure. As organizations globally continue to expand, security professionals are struggling to update operations quickly enough to ensure effective monitoring and response to incidents in their environment. The lack of security professionals makes this even more challenging. Patching systems, scanning for vulnerabilities, protecting against malware and viruses are essential and just plain smart.

Network Evidence For XDR

XDR - Extended detection and response - promises to integrate data from any source to stop today's sophisticated and often automated attacks. The key is: Which source? Register for this exclusive session for insights on why network evidence must be a key part of your XDR strategy. Topics to be discussed include how to: Walk away with new ideas on how to stay ahead of ever-changing attacks by using a data-first strategy for detection and response.