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Patient Data Security and HIPAA Compliance Requirements

Organizations seeking to meet HIPAA requirements are expected to demonstrate proper use of patient data through appropriate administrative and technical safeguards. While most organizations focus their efforts on implementing safeguards that revolve around an EHR system already designed to be HIPAA compliant, today's computing environments facilitate the ability to repurpose accessed patient data in an unauthorized fashion, quickly, easily, and conveniently.

Data Security Compliance for the Financial Services Industry

Nearly all financial services companies and financial institutions are subject to a number of compliance mandates. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act both provide specific guidance on how financial services organizations need to protect consumer data within financial systems.

Study: DevOps Servers In The Wild Highlight Infrastructure Security Needs

A mature DevOps practice involves applying multiple tools at different steps of the delivery pipeline, and a new study from IntSights focuses on these tools that may be open to attack on the Internet. Each new tool added to your process can expand your attack surface area – and, in many cases, new development and delivery tools are being used without oversight from a security team.

Endpoint Protection & Artificial Intelligence - Future

Gone are the times when endpoint protection was limited to installing an anti-virus and expecting a reasonable level of protection. With the introduction of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and increasing number of IoT devices, there are more endpoints than ever and so are the security threats associated with them.

Best practices for securing your data when terminating an employee

Best practices for securing your data when terminating an employee actually start with the initial onboarding process. Every established organization looking to scale should consult legal counsel after first having drafted an employee handbook. Once created, every employee should be provided an employee handbook outlining the acceptable use policy related to any and all corporate IT resources.