Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Supporting Sustainability Through Data Security

Netskope is proud to participate in Vision 2045: an initiative aimed to raise awareness on private industry’s role in sustainability. In this video, Netskope experts examine how cybersecurity and data protection are intrinsically linked to sustainability. We invite you to watch and to learn more about how data security is paramount to a more sustainable future.

The Big Fix 2022 - Getting Started Guide

The Big Fix brings together developers, DevOps, and security practitioners of all skill levels to help make the internet more secure. Our goal is to make security 100x better in 2022 by finding and fixing 202,200 security vulnerabilities! Join us to help find (and fix!) security vulnerabilities while making friends and winning swag. In this short video we'll help you get started finding (and fixing!) security vulnerabilities in your applications -- it's easy!

A Non-Partisan Threat: Cybersecurity and its Impact on Democracy

As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Lookout held a special briefing sponsored by Rep. Ted Lieu and Rep. Jim Longevin, that focused on how cybersecurity attacks can impact the entire democratic process -- from political campaigns and elections to journalists, lobbyists and activists that participate in the process. The session included a live demo of how a cyberattack could happen on a mobile device.