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How to

Fetching data using the Rubrik Security Cloud PowerShell SDK

Already pulled down the Rubrik Security Cloud PowerShell SDK and wondering why you aren't seeing all of the fields you are used to? This video will walk you through the various methods of fetching data from the RSC platform using the SDK. You'll get a basic understanding of how the module is architected and the difference between the autogenerated core cmdlets and the handcrafted wrapper cmdlets that exist within the Rubrik Security Cloud PowerShell module.

Okta & SCIM Integration with Teleport 15

Join Trent as he introduces the groundbreaking integration of Okta and SCIM with Teleport 15, enhancing identity management and system provisioning. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into how SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) simplifies the provisioning of users and resources across system boundaries, eliminating the need for ad-hoc mechanisms like webhooks.

Installing and Connecting to the Rubrik Security Cloud PowerShell SDK

The Rubrik Security Cloud PowerShell module enables organizations to automate and orchestrate various tasks within the RSC platform using a simple, easy-to-understand scripting language. During this video, you will learn how to install and configure the Rubrik Security Cloud PowerShell module, along with the various ways to connect to your RSC platform. Helpful Links.