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Nucleus is a Risk Based Vulnerability Management (RBVM) solution that automates vulnerability management processes and workflows, enabling organizations to mitigate vulnerabilities 10 times faster.

Chapter One: The State of Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability exploitation is involved in over half of breaches, making it a huge risk to organizations. And the problem only continues to balloon year over year... both in the speed at which attackers are capitalizing on exploited vulnerabilities, and in the way that technology and assets outgrow most organization's current vulnerability management programs. In this series, we're going to be breaking down how vulnerability management has grown and evolved over time, plus how to modernize your program using things like risk-based vulnerability management.

What Does a Solid VM Ticketing Workflow Actually Look Like?

In this webinar, Scott Kuffer discusses the challenges and best practices of vulnerability management workflows and ticketing. He emphasizes the discrepancy between vulnerability management teams' priorities and the priorities of the business as a whole. Scott explores different ticketing workflows, starting with basic vulnerability-based tickets and progressing to more advanced options such as asset-based, team-based, and action-based tickets. He highlights the benefits of automating ticket creation and reporting, as well as the potential for redefining how vulnerability management is approached within organizations.

How Nucleus Security Streamlines Vulnerability Management for Government Agencies

Nucleus Security is proud to announce its recent achievement of Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP®) authorization at impact level Moderate, making it the go-to choice for government agencies seeking top-tier vulnerability management solutions.

Visualizing Vulnerability Management: What Does a Single Pane of Glass Really Look Like?

Single Pane of Glass (SPOG) is a common buzzword that sends shivers down the spines of technical folks everywhere. Yet, executive teams ask for it, especially in vulnerability management. At the same time, the complex and fragmented nature of modern IT environments wreaks havoc on organizations aiming to understand their current location related to remediating and patching risks. So, what exactly is a single pane of glass, and what does it look like for enterprises today?

5 Things to Consider Before Using SSVC Vulnerability Prioritization Framework

Vulnerability prioritization is one of the most important steps in managing cybersecurity risks effectively. Ideally, security teams would address every vulnerability immediately upon detection. However, the reality is far from ideal because of the overwhelming number of vulnerabilities and their escalating volume among other challenges, like severity spectrum differences requiring nuanced assessment, evolving threats, or resource constraints.