Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


CMMC Buyer's Guide

The ever-shifting threat landscape coupled with the increased risk and loss of confidential information through previous breaches, defending protected controlled unclassified information within the DIB supply chain is increasingly difficult. The Department of Defense (DoD) determined that its supply chain faced an unacceptable amount of risk, resulting in the transition from self-certification to the creation of the CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification), which requires third-party assessments and certification of compliance.

2020 Gartner Market Guide for Software Composition Analysis

The 2020 Gartner Market Guide for SCA is here! Recent Gartner survey finds that over 90% of organizations leverage OSS in application development - and as a result, security of open source packages was the highest ranked concern for respondents. These concerns have led to a growing market, addressed by various vendors for SCA tools that mitigate the risk of OSS. New trends emerge with devops on the rise - as the market shifts towards developer-friendly SCA tools.

Everything You Need to Know About the Evolving Bot Landscape

In 2019 we saw more credential stuffing, sniper and scraper bot attacks targeting websites, mobile apps and APIs alike. The shift in attack vectors and scale of attacks highlights an urgent need for a sophisticated solution that protects businesses and customers from the growing malicious bot threat. Understanding the intent of bad bots vs. humans or good bots is vital as all industries face new challenges in acquiring the necessary visibility of their traffic, and subsequent analysis required for rapid and effective attack response that doesn't sacrifice the user experience.

10 AWS Best Security Practices Guide

More and more companies choose to migrate to a Cloud infrastructure to take advantage of new resources, an elastic storage power and agile deployment, nevertheless IT professionals are not always trained to secure these new technologies. Like traditional infrastructures, a public Cloud infrastructure services requires the implementation of security measures and controls by their users. Enterprises must adapt their security policy to these new technologies to reap the Cloud benefits without increasing their cyberattacks exposure area.

The DevOps Guide to Appsec

Web app attacks remain the #1 vector exploited in successful breaches. With agile development, apps run the risk of creating new vulnerabilities or perpetuating old ones on a weekly, daily, even hourly basis, security and risk managers need to step up a programmatic response. Fortunately there's a new, collaborative model for Appsec that organizations can operate in a mostly automated manner. Download our useful DevOps guide and learn how best to operationalize security testing in an agile process.