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Top 5 Azure AD Security Best Practices

Azure Active Directory holds the keys to your Microsoft 365 kingdom. Responsible for vital functions such as authentication and authorization, Azure AD is ultimately responsible for managing access across the Microsoft cloud ecosystem. For that reason, is the target of many cyberattacks. In this blog post, we will detail the top 5 security best practices to follow to secure your Azure Active Directory and protect your business.

What Is Enterprise Information Security Architecture?

Spending on security and risk management is soaring worldwide. But exactly which improvements should you focus on next to best strengthen your cybersecurity program? For many organizations, building a solid information security architecture should be at the top of the list. Read on to learn how what information security architecture is and how it can help you protect your critical IT assets from security threats with less work and worry.

Cybersecurity: What to Expect in 2022

As the pandemic continues, organizations around the world are working hard to adapt to the “new normal.” This article highlights the key trends that we will face in 2022 and beyond. Ransomware attacks more than doubled in 2021 compared to 2020, with healthcare and utilities the most commonly targeted sectors. Moreover, attacks are getting more expensive, with the average ransomware payment leaping from US$312,000 in 2020 to $570,000 in 2021.

Understanding LSA Protection

Securing your Windows servers and Windows 10 running is vital, especially given today’s sophisticated threat landscape. These are usually the first machines to be compromised in an attack through exploitation of the weakest link in the chain — the user. Through trickery and social engineering, threat actors gain access to these machines and then seek to move laterally and elevate their privileges.

Software Deployment Tools: SCCM vs Intune vs GPO vs More

There are many software deployment tools to deliver software and updates to your endpoints, but just because you have a lot of options doesn’t mean it has to be confusing. You might pick one software deployment tool to do it all, or you might pick several automated software deployment tools depending on your needs.

Windows CSP: Simple Tips That'll Save Your Bacon

The majority (66%) of companies today have started some transition or co-management to the cloud. The goal is to digitally transform the enterprises of the companies. While the basic network concepts may be similar, the cloud is a different beast. It uses different protocols and management tools. There is also a host of new acronyms to learn.

Oracle Java License Change: Everything You Need to Know

The Oracle Java license change has become a hot topic amongst information technology professionals. As of January 2019, administrators who install Java 8 U 202 and later are only able to get security updates when they purchase support for each desktop. Furthermore, Java 11 and above is only available from Oracle under a commercial support agreement. The Java Oracle license change has raised concerns because support costs are expected to rise.