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Intune Script Secrets: How to Deploy Any Script with MS Intune

When it comes to deploying scripts for Intune admins, there is only one script method available: Intune PowerShell Scripts. PowerShell can be a powerful format, but you likely have existing scripts you want to leverage with your domain-joined and non-domain-joined machines. Intune script capabilities don’t enable you to deploy VBscripts, batch scripts, or JavaScript scripts. The screenshot below shows the full complement of options available for script deployment using MEM (Intune).

AppLocker Pros, Cons, and Alternatives

AppLocker is an application control feature found in enterprise editions of Windows. The tool enables you to manage which applications and files users can run. Windows AppLocker aims to limit software access and related data from specific users and business groups. The results of which is heightened security reduced administrative overhead and fewer helpdesk calls.

5 Top Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) Tips

The local Windows administrator account is a coveted target for hackers and malware. There are potentially a lot of bad things that can happen if a hacker can crack the local admin account of one of your servers. Dreadful things usually occur when someone downloads a malicious malware strain using the administrator account as well. The magnitude of these problems is amplified even more if you use the default administrator account for every similar machine uses the same password.

Understanding the Basic CIS Controls: CSC 1-6

As data breaches continue to increase in severity and scale, more than ever organizations need to ensure they have the basic security controls in place to keep their data safe from attack. In response to today’s growing threat landscape, the SANS Institute, together with the Center for Internet Security (CIS) have developed the 20 CIS Controls (CSC) to give organizations clarity on what really needs to be focused on in terms of security best practices.

How to Harden Your Cloud Environment in 5 Steps

In recent years, with the rapid rise of cloud computing, the virtualization of applications and infrastructure has been replacing traditional in-house deployments of applications and services. It’s currently more cost-effective for organizations to rent hardware resources from companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google and spin up virtual instances of servers with the exact hardware profiles required to run their services.

Change and Configuration Management Best Practices Guide

Systems are constantly changing. Change and configuration management best practices allow organizations to keep track of configuration changes in a way that allows for rapid feature updates without any service outages, but many organizations struggle to find the ideal formula to make this process successful. So, what are the best practices in change and configuration management?

Which File Integrity Monitoring Technology is Best for FIM? File Integrity Monitoring FIM or SIEM FIM?

Within the FIM technology market, there are choices to be made. Agent-based or agentless is the most common choice, but even then there are both SIEM and ‘pure-play’ FIM, solutions to choose between.

Gold Image and Baseline Configuration Standard - ICS and OT Security

Being the victim of a cyber-attack can be scary, expensive and potentially business-crippling. So how do you prevent a cyber-attack? Start with making security a priority for all IT operations, and the first place to start is by making systems as ‘hacker proof’ as possible: Gold Build Standard? Corporate Build / Hardened Build? Controlled Image? Baseline Configuration?