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GoCenter Reveals Go Module Vulnerabilities With Xray

Golang developers care a lot about security and as Go modules become more widely used, they need more ways to assure these publicly shared files are safe. One unique feature included with Golang version 1.13 is the foresight that went into authentication and security for Go modules. When a developer creates a new module or a new version of an existing module, a go.sum file included there creates a list of SHA-256 hashes that are unique to that module version.

JFrog Platform: An End-to-End Platform for Global DevOps

Today, we live in a very connected world, where our devices, homes and cars all communicate with each other, and every company with a product or service has the need to develop software. It is one of the primary mediums by which they strive to provide better products, services and solutions, and has become paramount to a company's success. To continuously improve their software, companies must have sound DevOps or DevSecOps practices in place.

Six Obstacles to Successful DevOps

In today's enterprises, software is your company's everyday face, whether through the desktop, the cloud, or a mobile device, to all parts of the globe. Cars are computers on wheels. Thermostats are data terminals. Banks live in your phone. In this new world, software updates serve customer's demands. Each one you deliver is your opportunity to renew - or, if botched, destroy - their trust. How can you make every update top-notch at top speed?

DevOps: 8 Reasons for DevOps to use a Binary Repository Manager

Over the last several years, software development has evolved from deploying products periodically to building them on an ongoing basis using CI servers. A company's end product may be built on a daily or even hourly basis. This means that DevOps must support the continual flow of code from the individual developer's machine to the organization's production environment.

Leapfrog to the Future of DevOps

Two numbers are shaking the foundations of business. What do these two figures mean to your business? They mean that, odds are your competitive landscape is irrevocably changed - already. To start, expectations for delivery speed for new products, services, and everything are faster. The new table stakes in the DevOps world have raised the bar on collaboration, cross-organizational visibility, efficiency, even company culture. Another thing these two simple stats mean is that most businesses are already there, or heading there now.

Fitting automated security throughout the CI/CD pipeline

As companies compete with how fast new features and products can be released on the digital market, a byproduct of DevOps could be the neglect of sufficient and consistent information security throughout the pipeline – yes that means from start to the next improvement. Sure, automated security testing in production is a given, but what about during build and testing in the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Pipeline?

Scaling up Security with DevOps and CI/CD practices

Some believe that “whatever can be automated, should be automated” and in general benefits include faster production, consistency in product and quality, rolling back from failures and all allowing employees to focus on more creative and analytical tasks. The same can be said for the automation of quality assurance and security of developer coding and programming.

Why Security Is Needed to Keep the CI/CD Pipeline Flowing Smoothly

Technology has advanced to a state where clients now expect a constant stream of updates for their software and applications. To fulfill this demand, developers commonly turn to what’s known as a CI/CD pipeline. As noted by Synopsys, this practice embraces two important software development concepts of today’s streamlined world.