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Application Monitoring with a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for Network Security

Nearly every business today uses some Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application. From streamlined productivity to team communication, web applications drive business revenue outcomes. Simultaneously, these applications expand your company’s attack surface since every connection creates new access points that threat actors can use to compromise systems and networks.

What Is Hacktivism?

Not every cybercrime is about, well, the crime. In fact, some attacks are designed to draw attention to a cause, not stolen data or paydays. Social activism has been around forever. Today, it can manifest in the physical world, of course, and increasingly we see social activism in the digital world, too, ranging from minor activist activities all the way to high-profile cybercrime incidents.

Security intelligence analytics: Planning Increases ROI

It’s been a week. A long week. After the most recent Board of Directors meeting, your senior leadership tasked you with finding a security analytics solution. Over the last month, you’ve worked with leadership to develop some basic use cases to determine which solution meets your security and budget needs. You started your research, but everything on the market seems really overwhelming.

Ransomware & Extortionware in 2024: Stats & Trends

In the underground cybercrime circles of the Dark Web, ransomware attacks are a particularly lucrative enterprise. These attacks are on the rise. And they’re disrupting the stalwart IT industry. The average cost of a ransom attack in 2023 was $1.54 million, almost double the previous year’s average. And research we gathered for The CISO Report show that 83% of organizations hit by a ransomware attack paid their attackers. Curious which industry is most likely to pay the ransom? Retail.

Security Testing for Mobile Applications in 2024

Mobile devices at the workplace: this so-called trend is here to stay. In response, IT teams are recognizing their responsibility to develop a secure and high-performance operating environment for their mobile and remote workforce. Mobile-related security risks have increased to astronomical levels in the last year: All that to say: a true organizational security posture cannot ignore the mobile apps and devices that its employees and customers use.

The National Cyber Workforce & Education Strategy (NCWES) Explained

Imagine a world where every cyber threat gets a swift and skilled response. This is the vision of the National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy (NCWES), a program aimed at creating a future-proof cybersecurity workforce. Why is future-proofing our cybersecurity workforce so important? Because the cyber challenges of today and tomorrow require a diverse, well-educated, and agile workforce.

FedRAMP Authorization: A Value to Both Public and Private Organizations

The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP®) authorization has, for years, been seen as an arduous undertaking only for companies that want to do business with government agencies and their contractors. However, with growing cybersecurity risks, coupled with tightening data privacy regulations across industries, FedRAMP’s fundamental security requirements are becoming best practices for all organizations handling sensitive data.

Secure AI System Development

Scientific progress in AI and downstream innovation to solve concrete real-world problems is part of a greater movement toward inventing Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Broadly speaking, AGI is defined as an intelligent agent that can emulate and surpass human intelligence. Today, we are already familiar with incomplete forms of AGI: Despite these promising innovations moving from the scientific domain to consumer marketplaces, we are still far from achieving AGI.

Using Amazon SageMaker to Predict Risk Scores from Splunk

Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud Platform, along with the premium products that are built upon them, are open platforms, which allow third party products to query data within Splunk for further use case development. In this blog, we will cover using Amazon SageMaker as the ISV product using the data within Splunk to further develop a fraud detection use case to predict future risk scores.