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The PCI DSS Series - Beginning at the End

Becoming PCI DSS compliant can be a long journey and we like to begin, possibly controversially, with requirement 12 of the 12 PCI DSS Compliance Requirements. This requirement includes information security governance and there's a lot in there about your security policies. Why begin here, you might ask? Well, watch on...

I can use VS Code to hack into your development environment

We have been witnessing an ever-growing amount of supply chain security incidents in the wild. And now, those incidents are starting to extend to the place where developers spend most of their time: their integrated development environment, and specifically the Visual Studio Code IDE. Recently, Snyk has discovered and disclosed vulnerabilities that pose a real and imminent threat to developers who use these extensions. The potential compromise is so significantly severe that a remote code execution on a developer’s machine is possible by simply tricking the developer to click a link.