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Application Discovery and Inventory with ImmuniWeb

ImmuniWeb® Discovery is a part of the ImmuniWeb Application Security Testing Platform. Leveraging big data and a non-intrusive OSINT reconnaissance technology, it quickly builds a comprehensive list of your external web and mobile apps for actionable inventory, continuous monitoring, risk and compliance management.

ImmuniWeb AI Application Security Testing Platform Overview

ImmuniWeb® Platform is The Turnkey Service for Application Security Testing. ImmuniWeb® Platform leverages Machine Learning and AI for intelligent automation and acceleration of Application Security Testing (AST). Complemented by scalable and cost-effective manual testing, it detects the most sophisticated vulnerabilities and comes with a zero false-positives SLA.

Endpoint Detection & Response: The First Line of Defense

In this 2-minute video, AlienVault's Javvad Malik explains why endpoint detection and response (EDR) is an essential part of a robust security and compliance program. AlienVault USM Anywhere includes EDR capabilities as part of the Unified Security Management (USM) platform.

Defend Your Data Now with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework

MITRE is a not-for-profit organization that operates federally-funded research and development centers. Their ATT&CK framework is a useful cybersecurity model illustrating how adversaries behave and explaining the tactics you should use to mitigate risk and improve security. ATT&CK stands for “adversarial tactics, techniques and common knowledge.”