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HIPAA for Dummies: The Ultimate HIPAA Security and Compliance FAQ

Building a HIPAA-compliant security program is a very time intensive and demanding undertaking. It can also be confusing, as satisfying requirements like the HIPAA Security Rule require extensive interpretation and documentation on the part of security professionals. However, by arming yourself with knowledge before beginning the process, you can cut down on unnecessary difficulties.

Cybersecurity compliance: Time to clean up the cobwebs

Cybersecurity compliance became prominent in the last decade. From being a trivial part of an organization’s business strategy in the early years to being a core objective now, cybersecurity compliance has come a long way. Today, organizations have dedicated teams and personnel, such as chief compliance officers, to ensure that they stay compliant with the relevant standards pertaining to their industry and location. It is essential for organizations to stay updated to avoid sanctions.

Special Category Data GDPR (General Data Protection Act)

The General Data Protection Regulation is a data privacy law that protects the privacy of people of citizens of the EU and UK. The regulation is designed to protect the rights of individuals and also ensure the privacy of their personal data. The regulation outlines a detailed set of requirements for organizations collecting, storing, and managing personal data.

New Integrations: Buildkite, BitBucket, Freshteam, and JumpCloud

Since working on a spreadsheet, you and your team have come a long way. You’re enjoying the ease of working in TrustOps because it automates control mapping, test creation, and evidence workflows. However, you’re looking for ways to save a bit more time, so you can focus on your day job and growing list of priorities. Collecting evidence to validate compliance controls takes time and affects HR, IT, DevOps, and the rest of your team’s productivity.

Key Steps to implementing ISO 27001

As the leading international standard on information security management, ISO 27001 is an important certification for businesses and is increasingly being demanded by customers as part of their supply chain management. With its standardised processes and reputational status, ISO 27001 shows interested third parties and prospective clients that you take the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their data seriously.

Kintent Announces Support for ISO 9001

Becoming ISO 9001 compliant can be difficult. It requires those who are seeking it to be open to change, and to be able to commit to their new Quality Management System (QMS) processes and controls. Additionally, having to continuously stay compliant with the QMS can add a lot of pressure. But… the payoff is worth it.

ICYMI: How to Ensure Continuous Data Security & Compliance across your SaaS Apps

We recently hosted a live discussion covering emerging trends within the cloud security space, primarily reflecting on how organizations could adopt a posture of continuous security and compliance across their SaaS applications. Continue on below to view the highlights from this discussion.

Connect Kintent's Trust Cloud to Your CRM

Keeping your sales and security teams in sync on the progress of security questionnaires can be painful. Frustration due to lack of transparency can occur, which tends to add friction to the sales process. This is because answering a security questionnaire and going through security reviews is a team sport, and sales people always want to know the latest status.