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Insider Threats

The latest News and Information on Insider Threats including employee monitoring and data privacy.

Introducing Teramind BI Reports

Teramind is proud to introduce our new Business Intelligence reporting functionality. Having the platform with the strongest breadth and depth of captured user data, we've enhanced our reporting capability to allow information to be presented in multiple dimensions. This will allow for faster and more accurate investigations and user analytics.

Top 5 Insider Threat Detection and Prevention Software of 2021

Dealing with insider threats requires a different strategy from other security challenges because of their very nature. Insiders have a significant advantage. They are aware of the organization’s policies, procedures, technology and vulnerabilities. They often have access to important systems, business IP and sensitive data. As such, they can cause a business the most damage compared to external attackers such as hackers.

How Are Managers Remote Monitoring Computers for Remote Workers?

An unprecedented number of employees in the United States are currently working remotely for at least part of their workweek. This is partially due to the global pandemic, but the truth is that many employees were shifting to remote work even before the coronavirus crisis. Studies have shown that both employers and employees can benefit from remote work.

Top 5 Employee Monitoring Software For 2021

Employee Monitoring is the process of tracking employee activities such as app use, internet browsing, email communications, file transfers etc. An employee monitoring solution allows a business to keep an eye on its users so that they cannot put the organization in harm’s way intentionally or accidentally by leaking sensitive data, sabotage, fraud, theft or other miscreants.

Tips for Writing & Enforcing Your Company's Policies - Business Tips | CurrentWare

When running a business, your policies need to be clear, concise, and consistently enforced. In this video CurrentWare’s marketing coordinator Dale Strickland shares with you the best practices for writing and enforcing company policies. This video will be using an Acceptable Use Policy as an example but you can apply these tips to any other policy you have.

How Boston Centerless Monitors Employee Computers Remotely (Case Study) | CurrentWare

Boston Centerless is a mining and metals supplier based in Boston, Massachusetts. When COVID-19 forced a majority of their workforce to work from home they knew they would need to rely on CurrentWare's remote workforce management software to keep their employees productive and secure. Do you want to know how your employees spend their time while working from home? Get a free trial of CurrentWare's remote employee monitoring & device control software.

Employee Internet Monitoring - Web Usage Activity Alerts | BrowseReporter

⚠️UPDATE 2021⚠️ This video is from a legacy version of BrowseReporter. Get BrowseReporter's employee computer activity reports sent straight to your inbox. Email reports can be generated on-demand, scheduled, or triggered when undesirable employee web usage is detected. Do you want to know how your employees spend their time while working from home? Get a free trial of CurrentWare's remote employee monitoring & device control software.

Securing your businesses beyond the office perimeter

For most businesses, the corporate boundaries have expanded over time. The traditional office has now morphed into a hub-and-spoke model with an increasing number of employees working remotely. This shift to remote work isn't new. Between 2005 and 2018, there was a 173% rise in the US remote workforce. The trend spiked in 2020 when 88% of organizations worldwide encouraged remote work to flatten the pandemic's spread.

Remote Employee Monitoring Software - How To Audit Employee Computer Activity | CurrentWare

⚠️UPDATE 2021⚠️ This video is from a legacy version of BrowseReporter. In this video CurrentWare’s product manager Sai Kit Chu shows you how to monitor the computer usage of employees that work from home. This video provides an overview of CurrentWare's remote employee monitoring software. Get the FREE trial to see what your remote employees are doing during work hours. This snippet was taken from our webinar "Best Practices for Managing Productivity and Security of Remote Workers".

How Software Can Help With A Digital Workforce Transformation

A growing number of businesses are allowing their employees to work remotely for at least part of their work week. Right now, it’s estimated that 42% of workers in the U.S. are working from home. Even though working from home is becoming more common, many companies have still not taken the necessary steps to complete their digital workforce transformation. The key to successfully shifting to remote work is keeping tabs on your team with the help of employee monitoring software.