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Insider Threats

The latest News and Information on Insider Threats including employee monitoring and data privacy.

Insider Threats: Risk Assessment Considerations for Remote Work

The outbreak of COVID-19 has led many businesses to transition a large number of employees to remote work. The shift could end up becoming a long-term trend; it’s expected to continue after the pandemic ends. Therefore, it is more important than ever to develop strategies for managing and responding to risks within your organization. Internal risk management procedures will need to adapt to the issue of insider threats, a challenge which is compounded by remote work.

The Future of Ransomware: Preparing for the Next Generation of Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware has been the scourge of cybersecurity and may have led to a recent death. Now it soon may get way more dangerous The threats to cybersecurity are constantly evolving. As security teams develop solutions to the threats, malicious actors change their tactics to keep chasing their ill gotten gains. After all, the Game is the Game. And the game keeps changing. In recent years, ransomware has been the weapon of choice for hackers looking for a payday.

Grow your Small Business with Workforce Intelligence

Did you know that collecting data regarding employee behaviors and patterns can help business owners create accurate, efficient business plans? Companies are using workforce intelligence to accurately and objectively build stronger internal organizations using big data. Workforce intelligence uses a combination of artificial intelligence, SaaS tools, analytics, and visual reporting to help employers oversee and manage employees more effectively.

Going Beyond Insider Threats: How to Balance Post-COVID Cybersecurity with Productivity Data for Remote Employees

For many organizations, the past several years have been defined by an unending pursuit of data privacy and cybersecurity. Prompted by a daunting threat landscape, new regulatory standards and increasingly onerous consequences, companies invested millions in securing their digital infrastructure as an all-in attempt to meet the moment.

Employee Monitoring For the Remote Workforce

Remote work has become increasingly popular over the last several years. But in 2020, the number of remote workers grew exponentially as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Even though the lockdowns have ended, many companies have allowed their employees to continue working remotely. According to Gallup, 33% of workers in the U.S. are working remotely all the time and 25% of workers are working remotely at least some of the time.

How to Write a Work From Home Policy (Free Template) | CurrentWare

The demand for remote work isn’t stopping anytime soon. Did you know that 77% of employees want to keep working from home after COVID-19? In this video CurrentWare’s managing director Neel Lukka tells you the things you MUST include in your work from home policy. To help you get started we’ve provided a work from home policy template that you can download and customize to fit the needs of your business.

Managing Compliance and Security in a Remote World

'Times they are a-changin' was a song performed by Bob Dylan many decades ago, but the words ring true now more than ever. The Covid-19 pandemic has had serious repercussions on the healthcare ecosystem and has shaken up the global economy. The pandemic has also forced millions to work remotely from their homes. According to analyst firm Gartner Inc., amid Covid-19, 88% of enterprises shifted to remote working for their employees.

The Importance of Privacy-Focused Monitoring In Light of COVID-19 Work Disruption

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the already-robust adoption rates for employee monitoring software. Prominent publications, including The Washington Post and The New York Times, have reported on this trend, and they have documented employees’ general unease about the practice. Indeed, even before employees were relegated to their homes, many were uncomfortable with the idea of invasive and unbridled digital oversight.

The Importance of User Behavior Analytics

There’s no question that cybercrimes are a growing problem for businesses in the United States. A cyberattack can cost a business about $200,000 on average. Sadly, many businesses that are targeted cannot recover from the financial effects of a cyberattack. In fact, it’s estimated that 60% of targeted companies go out of business within six months of the attack.