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Insider Threats

The latest News and Information on Insider Threats including employee monitoring and data privacy.

Lessons Learned from the SolarWinds Hack

Supply chain attacks are one of the trickier challenges for organizations to defend against since they undermine our trust in otherwise trusted systems that we depend on for running our software and protecting our data. If an adversary is able to successfully compromise a key component of a popular supply chain product, the impact can be widely felt by many organizations.

Insider Threat Management for an Educational Organization

See why the education organization PECB says Ekran System is the best choice for insider threat management. Robust insider threat management from Ekran System helped an international certification body effectively secure their internal system against security threats and maintain compliance with international information security regulations.

Do's and Don'ts of Using Software For Monitoring Computers

According to the American Management Association, nearly half of employers monitor their employees’ digital activity on company-owned devices to some degree. Some of these employers manually read employees’ emails and track their activity. But the vast majority use software for monitoring computers, which is far more efficient. The right software can help you keep track of what your employees are doing during work hours, regardless of whether they are in the office or working remotely.

Teramind vs. ActivTrak | 2021 Feature Comparison

Teramind and ActivTrak are both popular employee monitoring software. Each of them has their strengths and weaknesses which might make it suitable (or not) for your unique business needs. The table below compares Teramind vs. ActivTrak side-by-side in terms of key features and capabilities so that you can decide which solution is right for you.

Why Employee Privacy Matters More Than Ever

For organizations and their employees, 2020 was a uniquely transformative and challenging year. Although this reality is expressed in many ways—including a global pandemic, a deep economic recession, perpetual social unrest and a litany of natural disasters—in the professional environment, it is most acutely observed in the rapid and wide-spread transition to remote work.

Five Cybersecurity Priorities to focus on in 2021

2020 will go down in history as a year of surprises. The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in challenges to health, wealth, business, and cybersecurity. The early part of the year saw a rapid movement out of the office, introducing a sudden need to support home working. According to Gartner, 88% of companies sent their workforce home to work during the peak of the pandemic. This remote work environment is continuing for many organizations in 2021. In 2020, businesses were forced to adapt fast.

5 Reasons Every Company Needs to Be Ready for a Compliance Audit in 2021

In many ways, 2020 was a year of reckoning for data privacy on the internet. After more than a decade of enthusiastically embracing a “freemium” model in which consumers traded copious amounts of personal data for access to digital platforms, many are adopting a rapid about-face. Now, privacy is essential, and stakeholders are taking notice. To date, it’s clear that many companies see this as an obstacle, not an opportunity.

How to Monitor User Activity

Every company monitors their employees to some extent. In the past, companies may have relied solely on time sheets and surveillance footage to keep an eye on their employees. But these tools cannot be used to track what employees are doing on their company-owned computers, smartphones, and tablets. To monitor these devices, managers must turn to more sophisticated tools such as monitoring software.

Introducing Teramind BI Reports

Teramind is proud to introduce our new Business Intelligence reporting functionality. Having the platform with the strongest breadth and depth of captured user data, we've enhanced our reporting capability to allow information to be presented in multiple dimensions. This will allow for faster and more accurate investigations and user analytics.

Top 5 Insider Threat Detection and Prevention Software of 2021

Dealing with insider threats requires a different strategy from other security challenges because of their very nature. Insiders have a significant advantage. They are aware of the organization’s policies, procedures, technology and vulnerabilities. They often have access to important systems, business IP and sensitive data. As such, they can cause a business the most damage compared to external attackers such as hackers.