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Insider Threats

The latest News and Information on Insider Threats including employee monitoring and data privacy.

12 Best Practices for Banking and Financial Cybersecurity Compliance

Financial data is a desired target for cybercriminals. Hackers frequently attack financial institutions such as banks, loan services, investment and credit unions, and brokerage firms. Security incidents in the financial sector are extremely expensive (surpassed only by the healthcare industry), with the average total cost of a data breach reaching $4.35 million in 2022.

Everything You Need To Know About Insider Threats

An insider threat is a cyberthreat that happens within an organization. Insider threats occur when current or former employees, partners, contractors or vendors cause sensitive data and systems to become compromised or steal data for their own malicious purpose. Insider threats can be intentional or unintentional, depending on the goal of the insider and if the insider is working with someone else.

Insider Fraud Prevention: Tips & Tricks for Your Organization

Did you know that even organizations with productive and loyal employees frequently suffer from malicious insiders committing fraud? Such insiders are rather difficult to detect because they mishandle data bit by bit alongside their regular work routine. Moreover, their motives can be unobvious, which makes detecting them even more challenging. In this article, we explore insider fraud and its risks, as well as how to mitigate those risks through a comprehensive insider risk management strategy.

7 Best Practices to Prevent Intellectual Property Theft

Original ideas, developments, and trade secrets help businesses increase their value and stand out among competitors. But as market competition grows, the risks of intellectual property (IP) theft and leaks also grow. Preventing intellectual property theft is a challenge in cybersecurity of organizations that requires implementing proper security policies and procedures. In this article, we explore possible scenarios of intellectual property theft and dig into how to protect your IP.

Guide to User Access Review: What Is It, Best Practices, and Checklist

Every company has workers that have been there from the beginning and worked in every department. Knowledge of the company’s processes makes them valuable employees, but they can also access and put at risk lots of sensitive data. Regular user access reviews can help you mitigate this risk and safeguard your critical assets. Regularly reviewing user access is an essential part of access management.

Guide to User Access Review: What Is It, Best Practices, and Checklist

Every company has workers that have been there from the beginning and worked in every department. Knowledge of the company’s processes makes them valuable employees, but they can also access and put at risk lots of sensitive data. Regular user access reviews can help you mitigate this risk and safeguard your critical assets. Regularly reviewing user access is an essential part of access management.

Insider Risk Hits Closer to Home

If you’re busy securing the perimeter, mandating strong authentication practices, and restricting software downloads, you may be missing the mark. (Just to be clear: if you are doing those things, keep it up. You’re off to a good start, and none of what follows here replaces classic and vital cybersecurity measures.) Protecting your organization from outside threats is foundational to any effective cybersecurity strategy.

How to Prevent Data Theft by Departing Employees: 7 Best Practices

Departing employees are a source of insider threats that often get overlooked. According to a study by Biscom, more than one in four departing employees steal data when leaving. Whether they do so out of negligence or with malicious intent, such cases can only have negative outcomes for organizations, from loss of competitive advantage to penalties for non-compliance with cybersecurity requirements.

The Cybersecurity Risks of AI & How to Safeguard Sensitive Data

Experts in the cybersecurity industry are becoming increasingly concerned about artificial intelligence attacks. A 2020 report from Forrester Consulting found that 88% of decision-makers in the security industry believed offensive AI was on the horizon, and almost two-thirds of them expected AI to lead new attacks.