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Insider Threats

The latest News and Information on Insider Threats including employee monitoring and data privacy.

Ekran System Changes Name to Syteca

We are more, but we are the same. Ekran System Inc. is happy to announce that our company changes its name from Ekran System to Syteca. Following over a decade of continuous development and growth, we see that it’s now the time to expand our product and adjust its perception accordingly. In October 2024, we will take the first steps of transforming into Syteca by releasing a significant expansion of our core platform and changing our website domain from to

Ekran System Enhances Privileged Access Management: New Workforce Password Management Feature

At Ekran System, we constantly enhance the capabilities of our platform, ensuring that organizations have effective and up-to-date tools to protect their critical assets. This time, we are announcing the release of the Workforce Password Management (WPM) feature. This new functionality aims to improve Ekran System’s privileged access management (PAM) capabilities by streamlining password security and management for all users within an organization.

Mastering Your 2024 Endpoint Security Strategy

In IT, endpoints are the physical devices that connect to a network system. In a corporate environment, endpoints include mobile devices, desktop computers, laptops, servers, and other equipment employees use to access the network and other critical digital systems. A company with fewer than 50 employees typically averages around 22 endpoints, 50-100 employees average more than 100, and companies with more than 1,000 employees average nearly 2,000.

Role-based Access Control vs Attribute-based Access Control: Which to Choose

Access management is a fundamental element of your organization’s security infrastructure. With numerous approaches to implementing an access management system, selecting the most suitable one for your organization may be daunting. In this article, we analyze the two most popular access control models: role-based and attribute-based. We delve into what RBAC and ABAC are, review the pros and cons of each model, compare them, and check if it’s possible to combine them.

The Insider Threat Landscape in 2024

Insider threats pose a substantial risk, stemming from the potential misuse of access granted to employees, contractors, and third-party vendors. These threats, which can be both intentional and accidental, threaten the security of sensitive data and can significantly impact an organization’s financial stability, reputation, and operational efficiency.

How to Record SSH Sessions and Monitor User Activity in Linux with Ekran System [Hands-on Guide]

Monitoring user activity on your critical endpoints is a vital part of an effective cybersecurity strategy. Organizations need to monitor both remote and local user sessions to ensure user accountability, manage cybersecurity risks, enable prompt incident response, and comply with relevant cybersecurity laws and regulations. This is a step-by-step guide on how to monitor user activity in Linux and record remote SSH sessions on any endpoint with the Ekran System software agent installed.

Threat Hunting 2.0: The Future of Proactive Defense

Today, organizations are confronted with a multitude of cybersecurity risks, both from external and internal threats. The global cost of cybercrime is projected to exceed $10 trillion by 2025. In 2023, a staggering 72% of all organizations worldwide fell victim to ransomware attacks, which is just one type of threat. The reality is that cyber threats are pervasive, and the adversaries behind them are becoming increasingly sophisticated with each passing year.

Key Features of an Insider Threat Protection Program for the Military

Insider threat protection is essential for government institutions — especially national defense organizations. As these organizations handle highly classified and sensitive information related to national security, military operations, and intelligence, they are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks. In this article, we reveal the main insider threats in the defense sector and how to spot them. We also give guidelines on building an effective military insider threat program.

The Top 8 Endpoint DLP Solutions in 2024

Endpoint Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions are critical tools for organizations looking to safeguard sensitive information from insider threats, unintentional leaks, and external attacks. These solutions monitor, detect, and block the transfer of valuable data outside company networks, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. In this post, we’ll explore the top eight endpoint DLP solutions that offer robust security features, ease of use, and integration capabilities.