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Insider Threats

The latest News and Information on Insider Threats including employee monitoring and data privacy.

Dark web monitoring as your early warning system for insider threats

According to the 2023 Insider Threat Report by Cybersecurity Insiders, 74% of organizations are at least moderately vulnerable to insider threats. This statistic underscores a critical issue: Insider threats are notoriously difficult to detect because they originate from individuals with authorized access and intimate knowledge of your systems. While traditional security measures focus on external threats, they often fall short when it comes to spotting insider threats.

What is Data Misuse? 4 Ways to Detect and Prevent Misuse of Information

Access to data comes with significant responsibility, and misuse of this access can negatively affect organizations. When employees misuse data for personal gain or other unauthorized purposes, it can jeopardize data security and lead to costly breaches. Indeed, 68% of data breaches involve a human element, according to the 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon.

How To Detect & Prevent Employee Fraud in 2024

You’ve worked tirelessly to build your business, carefully assembling a team you trust. However, even the most successful companies face an unsettling reality—the risk and the impact of employee fraud. Occupational fraud costs businesses up to 5% of annual revenue, with $3.1B lost to fraud in 2024. Here, we discuss practical strategies for detecting and preventing employee fraud. We look at various types of fraud, red flags to watch for, and prevention tactics to protect your business.

Asset Misappropriation: How To Protect Your Organization

Keeping money and ideas safe from outsiders is relatively easy. But what happens when you have to keep them safe from insiders? Asset misappropriation is a type of fraud that employees commit in their organizations, usually taking advantage of their position. This makes it not only harder to prevent but also difficult to identify if you don’t have the right systems in place.

A Guide to Effective Password Management: 9 Best Practices for Your Organization

Cyberattackers are continuously seeking sophisticated new ways to crack passwords and get access to sensitive information such as personal user data, financial records, intellectual property, or corporate data. The stakes are high, and the challenge of keeping passwords secure has never been more critical. According to the 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon, roughly 50% of data breaches involve stolen credentials, which highlights the need for robust password management practices.

How To Block EXE Files In Group Policy (& Other App Blocking Methods!)

In today’s digital landscape, safeguarding your organization’s network from unauthorized applications is paramount. One effective strategy is blocking executable (.exe) files using application blocking software or an Active Directory Group Policy. This tutorial will provide step-by-step guides that will teach you how to block executable files in Windows using various methods.

5 Examples of IP Theft & How To Protect Your Business

The business world continues to move to a knowledge-worker-based economy. Companies derive less and less value from widgets and more from the processes, ideas, and innovations they create — their intellectual property (IP). But IP needs to be protected. IP theft is the appropriation of unique ideas, inventions, or theft of trade secrets, usually by malicious insiders.