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Data Security

The latest News and Information on Data Security including privacy, protection, and encryption.

The top 3 data security problems plaguing tech companies

Tech companies building cloud-native applications face a set of unique and rising data protection challenges. At Bearer, we had the chance to speak with 100+ data security and privacy professionals including Chief Information Security Officers, Directors of Security Engineering, Application Security Engineers, Data Protection Officers, Privacy Engineers, and many more. Here are the top concerns that keep them up at night.

Will China's Personal Information Protection Law be a game-changer for data security?

20th August 2021, dawned a new era for China’s cybersecurity with the passing of China’s Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) which is the first comprehensive legal attempt to define personal information and regulate its storing, transferring, and processing.

Database Security: How Cloud DLP Can Help Protect Sensitive Data

Some of the most damaging data leaks have resulted from poor database security. In March 2020, 10.88 billion records were stolen from adult video streaming website CAM4’s cloud storage servers. In March 2018, 1.1 billion people were the victim of a breach of the world’s largest biometric database, Aadhaar. And, in April 2021, 533 million users had their information compromised when a Facebook database was leaked on the dark web for free.

Building Endpoint DLP to Detect PII on Your Machine in Real-Time

Endpoint data loss prevention (DLP) discovers, classifies, and protects sensitive data – like PII, credit card numbers, and secrets – that proliferates onto endpoint devices, like your computer or EC2 machines. This is a way to help keep data safe, so that you can detect and stop occurrences of data exfiltration. Our endpoint DLP application will be composed of two core services that will run locally.

Slack DLP Case Study with Bluecore - Best Practices for Maintaining Slack Data Security (Part 5)

In this segment from one of our previous webinars on Slack data loss prevention (DLP), Nightfall product specialist Michael Osakwe discusses the changing role SaaS applications play in modern organizations with input from Bluecore CISO Brent Lassi about how the pandemic has changed his employees' behavior.

Slack DLP Case Study with Bluecore - Data Leakage in the Context of Slack (Part 1)

In this segment from one of our previous webinars on Slack data loss prevention (DLP), Nightfall product specialist Michael Osakwe discusses the changing role SaaS applications play in modern organizations with input from Bluecore CISO Brent Lassi about how the pandemic has changed his employees' behavior.

Slack DLP Case Study with Bluecore - Evaluating Data Exposure Risk in SaaS Tools (Part 2)

In this segment from one of our previous webinars on Slack data loss prevention (DLP), Nightfall product specialist Michael Osakwe discusses the changing role SaaS applications play in modern organizations with input from Bluecore CISO Brent Lassi about how the pandemic has changed his employees' behavior.

Slack DLP Case Study with Bluecore - The Consequences of Data Exposure in Slack (Part 4)

In this segment from one of our previous webinars on Slack data loss prevention (DLP), Nightfall product specialist Michael Osakwe discusses the changing role SaaS applications play in modern organizations with input from Bluecore CISO Brent Lassi about how the pandemic has changed his employees' behavior.