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GDPR - Data Processing EU Data as a US Business

Due to the growing and ever-changing digital market, the EU took a major step to protect EU citizens’ personal data and privacy rights in today’s digital world. From proposal to adoption, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took over four years to become law regulating the data collection and security during processing and movement of personal data of EU citizens. The GDPR is applicable in all EU markets/countries, including by association, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK.

Splunk, Big Data and the Future of Security

Current IT security tools and mindsets are no longer adequate to meet the scope and complexity of today's threats. Internet security has evolved over the last ten years but advanced persistent threats and the sophistication of the malware have fundamentally changed the way security teams must think about these new threats and the tools used for detective controls.

Patch Management for DevOps

According to Cisco's 2015 Annual Security Report, only four in ten IT departments have a coordinated patching strategy in place. The ramifications of this are evident in the rising frequency of enterprise data breaches year-on-year. You've certainly heard it before, but it's worth repeating again: unpatched and out-of-date systems are a leading cause of security incidents.

Mr. Robot, Mimikatz and Lateral Movement

In Mr. Robot‘s episode 9 of season 2 (13:53), Angela Moss needs to obtain the Windows domain password of her superior, Joseph Green, in order to download sensitive documents that would potentially incriminate EvilCorp. Since her attack requires physical access to his computer, she starts with a good old-fashioned social engineering attack to get the only currently present employee in the office to leave.

Quick Install of Forseti Security on Google Cloud Platform

Forseti Security is open source security tool built for Google Cloud Platform. It can keep track of your environment, monitor your policies and even enforce in the future. The install is pretty simple since it’s contained within a Deployment Manager template. Deployment Manager automates infrastructure deployments of Google Cloud Platform resources. I’m going to highlight some of the notes from the official Forseti documentation in this post for completeness.

Securing Exchange Server OWA & ActiveSync - Proactive Security with EventSentry

With the proper auditing enabled (Logon/Logoff – Logon (Failure)) and EventSentry installed however, we can permanently block remote users / hosts who attempt to log on too many times with a wrong password. Setting this up is surprisingly simple.

Network Administrator's Guide to DevOps

The transformation of physical networks and infrastructure into easier-to-manage virtualized/software components, hybridization of IT operations and software development roles, and the despecialization of job duties, among others, means that traditional networking roles- and arguably any IT roles with job titles ending with "admin"- will invariably disappear.