Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

How to

Ransomware Attacks: How to Mitigate Risk and Protect Your Data

Ransomware is not a new threat, but the tactics that attackers are using to access corporate infrastructures and steal resources has evolved. With the continuation of remote work and data being stored on the cloud, attackers only need to compromise one user, app or device to gain access.

2 Ways Reduce the Likelihood of Getting Attacked

2 ways to make your security infrastructure better than 99% of companies: Start with a zero-trust architecture: Assume that the attackers are going to inevitably break-in. Design a system with zero-trust architecture. To do that, you must: You need to look at how you appear to hackers from outside. Today, with a click of a mouse, attackers can scan the entire Internet and find open ports from companies that are easy to break into.

Build and Configuration Review Services: What are they and what do they offer?

Cyphere has a build and configuration review service that helps you to identify issues with your OS, device builds and configurations. In this video, we take a look at what Cyphere offers and discuss whether or not it's the right choice for you.#buildreview #buildconfiguration Cyphere is a UK-based cyber security services provider helping organisations to secure their most prized assets. We provide technical risk assessment (pen testing/ethical hacking) and managed security services. This advice is a true third party opinion, free from any vendor inclinations or reselling objectives.

The Comprehensive Approach to Cybersecurity Assessment and Testing | Cyphere

Cyphere is a cybersecurity assessment and testing company that quickly identifies the weakest points in an organisation's cyber security. We do this by using the best practices to simulate real-world attacks against your systems. The goal is to identify potential risks before they can lead to a potential disaster.

Mobile penetration testing: Why You Need A Mobile Penetration Test | Cyphere

As mobile devices become more and more ubiquitous, the risk of data theft and malicious attacks also rises. That's why it's important to have a mobile penetration test - an assessment of your system's security that identifies vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cybercriminals. Watch this video to learn more about mobile penetration testing and how it can protect your business from harm.#mobilepenetrationtesting #mobilepentesting