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Cyberpion is Now IONIX: Redefining Attack Surface Management with the Widest Coverage and Sharpest Focus

I’m thrilled to unveil our new identity: Cyberpion is now IONIX, a name that represents our radically different approach to protecting the modern attack surface and its digital supply chain. With IONIX, you’ll discover your organization’s real attack surface, including its sprawling network of asset dependencies – while separating the signal from the noise so your security team gains laser focus on your exploitable risks.

Why External Attack Surface Management Matters

Organizations face a growing number of external cyber threats that are becoming increasingly sophisticated and harder to detect. With the rise of remote work and cloud-based technologies, organizations’ attack surface has expanded significantly, making it difficult for security teams to maintain a strong defensive posture.

Resolving prioritization issues faced by modern AppSec teams with EASM

At Detectify, we proudly maintain an AppSec perspective when it comes to how we handle security. But what does this mean exactly? In short, we think a lot about how both AppSec teams and developers will experience our platform and products. We know that today’s developers are feeling the pressure to get new code out to production to meet the demands of the business. These business demands have increased the need for AppSec tooling to leverage automation whenever possible.

Attack Surface Management (ASM): Examples, Software & the 4-Step ASM Lifecycle

A critical part of an organization’s overall cybersecurity strategy, Attack Surface Management (ASM) helps organizations to: This article describes ASM is, including why it is needed and how it works. At the end, I’ll discuss how software solutions can automate attack surface management. (This article was written by Shanika Wickramasinghe. See more of Shanika's contributions to Splunk Learn.)

Protecting Financial Data: Best Practices for External Attack Surface Management

The threat landscape in the financial services sector continues to get more menacing. Malicious actors and cybercrime groups increasingly set their sights on the sensitive financial data that banks, moneylenders, insurance companies, credit unions, and more all store in their IT environments. Exemplifying the challenge, one recent study found that the financial sector experienced the second-highest volume of data breaches in 2022.