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Plymouth, Inc Recovers in 48 Hours and Zero Data Lost From Security Breach

"The reality is, no business is immune from ransomware. It’s more important than ever to proactively prepare for a cyberattack and ensure you have the right data security solutions in place to quickly recover after an attack, while also minimizing the chance of re-infection. With Rubrik’s latest product release, they continue to make critical advancements to their ransomware recovery solutions to give customers the ultimate peace of mind.” – Rama Arumugam, IT Manager, Plymouth, Inc.

Tackling NCSC Guidance - Part 1 (Data Protection)

Launched in 2016, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) provides advice and support to the public and private sectors on how to address cybersecurity threats. At the moment, NCSC provides information and practical guidance in various articles on its website rather than formal requirements or regulations. That said, NCSC security audits are currently underway, to assess existing solutions and their level of alignment with NCSC guidelines.

Continuous Data Protection at Rubrik

Rubrik Continuous Data Protection (CDP) helps our customers protect mission critical VMware workloads with near-zero Recovery Point Objective (RPO). Recovery operations are available in both local and remote locations. It also integrates seamlessly with Rubrik Orchestrated Application Recovery to provide near-zero RPO and low Recovery Time Objective (RTO) disaster recovery for our customers.

Take Control of Your Cloud Security: Introducing Storage Tiering for Microsoft Azure

As organizations deploy more and more cloud native workloads, the ability to protect them in a secure and cost-effective manner is becoming increasingly important. Data access is also more widely spread, making it even more critical to meet this protection need with a secure, logically air-gapped copy of that data.

Ransomware, Immutability, And All That Jazz

There’s no denying it: ransomware is now big business. Entire supply chains exist where organized criminals specialize in one or more parts of the crime. The growing popularity of Ransomware-as-a-Service significantly lowers the technical bar of entry for cybercriminals. Some specializations include gaining access to credentials, penetrating hosts, identifying data, delivering encryption payloads, and accepting and distributing the ransom money.

8 Must-Ask Questions to Consider: Rubrik Ransomware Recovery Assessment

2021 was the year of ransomware. You couldn’t watch or read the news without hearing about another business falling victim. Cybersecurity Ventures estimates that a ransomware attack took place every 11 seconds in 2021, with global damages reaching an estimated $20 billion – that is 57x more than it was in 2015. Unfortunately, the reality is that ransomware is here to stay, and every organization, regardless of industry or size, is a potential target.

Become Cyber Resilient and Evade the Impact of Ransomware Attacks on Your Microsoft 365

Your Microsoft 365 data is a prime target for ransomware. Attackers know that Microsoft 365 lives directly in the path of business-critical operations now more than ever. As highlighted by Mandiant – one of the industry's leading cyber security firms – this translates to “targeted threat groups investing a lot of time and money into understanding Office 365 and understanding how to attack it.”

Introducing wachy: A New Approach to Performance Debugging

Wachy is a new Linux performance debugging tool that Rubrik recently released as open source. It enables interesting new ways of understanding performance by tracing arbitrary compiled binaries and functions with no code changes. This blog post briefly outlines various performance debugging tools that we commonly use, and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Then, we discuss why and how we built wachy.