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Customized Autoscaling: Minimize Your Cloud Cost

Kubernetes clusters have become the go-to solution for hosting applications in the cloud. Most cloud providers offer Kubernetes services, such as the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), or Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). But are you spending too much on compute resources in the cloud? Is your load pattern complex and difficult to predict? Is the load growing inconsistently or are you running applications on-demand that could cause sudden bursts?

Hoge Fenton Law Firm Drives 67% Operational Savings for Audits and Compliance with Rubrik Sonar

Hoge Fenton Jones & Appel is a multi-service law firm headquartered in Silicon Valley. As a member of Mackrell International, a premier network of independent law firms in 60 countries, the firm’s reach extends around the world. Mackrell International has been named a Top Ranked Chambers Global Leading Law Firm Network.