Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


When prevention isn't better than cure

Learn to protect data from ransomware Explore real-life cybercrime examples Dive into the future of data security Learn to protect data from ransomware Register Now About half of CISOs say that their organisation is unprepared to cope with a coordinated attack. So they’re investing heavily to manage the risk. Deloitte reported that firms spend over 10% of their annual IT budget on cybersecurity. That works out at about $2-5 million per year for a typical enterprise.

Rubrik and GraphQL - Episode 4 - Powershell

Powershell is by far the most widely utilized SDK that Rubrik provides. While an SDK is currently under development to cover off everything Rubrik Security Cloud and GraphQL, this episode will show you how to make raw GraphQL API calls into the Rubrik platform using the infamous scripting tool. You will see how to form various queries and mutations within Powershell, and how to parse the returned responses - performing real-world automation scenarios with Powershell and Rubrik.

Rubrik and GraphQL - Episode 2 - GraphQL Queries

At the core of GraphQL lies the query. Queries allow us to fetch exactly the data we need from the Rubrik platform. This episode will dive into how we form basic queries to retrieve Rubrik objects for usage with automation. We’ll talk about how to form a query, create fragments, and pass data into our queries using variables.

Cross Account Replication of AWS RDS with Rubrik Security Cloud

The Relational Database Service (RDS) service offered by AWS is one of the most popular databases today. A lot of critical, confidential data resides inside of RDS. Hence it becomes imperative to protect this data from various threats and ensure that the data is secure. Our approach to protecting the data inside RDS is based on two aspects: Rubrik already supports a modern approach to safeguarding RDS data from an operational perspective and also maintains a clean, secure copy in a different region.

Data Resilience for Microsoft Azure SQL Against Ransomware and Credential Compromise

In the event of a cyber attack, how confident are you that your Azure SQL data is safe and recoverable? As a commitment to cyber-proofing the cloud, we’re pleased to introduce new security enhancements to our previously-announced Azure SQL protection. Now, businesses and government agencies can further minimize the risk of data loss in Azure SQL databases and Managed Instances.

Rubrik Ranked #31 on the 2022 Forbes Cloud 100

Rubrik is honored to again be named to the Forbes Cloud 100, the annual ranking of the top private cloud companies in the world. This list is comprised of some of the most respected and fastest-growing companies globally. We’re humbled to be alongside these innovative brands and to make this prestigious list for the sixth year in a row! As the pioneer in Zero Trust Data Security™, this recognition underscores Rubrik’s continued cybersecurity momentum.

Rubrik Named a Leader in the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Backup and Recovery Software Solutions

Assume breach and recover faster Protect your data from the inevitable Recover safely, quickly, and precisely Assume breach and recover faster Register Now The need for data security has never been more critical as ransomware is the biggest threat to our economy and our digital lives.