Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Teleport OSS will relicense to AGPLv3

We began working on Teleport with a vision to make trusted computing a reality for everyone, even for people without large budgets. That’s why we open sourced Teleport in 2015. Achieving this lofty goal takes a lot of work, which in turn requires capital. That is why we founded Teleport as a company and started to offer premium features required by enterprises. Thus, we must strike a delicate balance between benefiting the community and succeeding as a business.

Hot Takes Episode 1: Protect your infrastructure from yourself

This Month’s Hot Take: Five renowned experts from the Kubernetes community - Kat Cosgrove, Divya Mohan, Frederick Kautz, Chris Short, and Kunal Kushwaha - will be discussing how human-error is the most significant threat to the security of your infrastructure, NOT hackers and ransomware.

Infrastructure Auditing Made Easy

This webinar is a deep dive into Teleport’s new Audit Log capability, dashboard, and refreshed unified resource UI. Teleport 14 introduces a new audit log backend that provides unrivaled visibility into all activity on a cluster. Allow teams to translate infrastructure audits into faster insights and actions, thus helping them make informed access decisions, support downstream SIEMs, and log consolidation tools.

Teleport 14

Once again it’s time for everyone’s favorite announcement: a brand new Teleport release! This release marks version 14 of Teleport and is packed with features, including a UI makeover. Let’s dive in! Teleport 14 brings the following new major features and improvements: Below are a few highlights: In addition, this release includes several changes that affect existing functionality listed in the “Breaking changes” section below.

How we built a secure RDP client

Today’s remote desktop protocol (RDP) clients don’t do enough to promote a strong security posture. They default to weak password-based authentication, leaving Windows infrastructure vulnerable to brute force attacks, and assume a direct connection to a well-known port is available. At Teleport we’re a bit bonkers about always trying to build the most secure solution, so we set out to do something different.

How we improved SSH connection times by up to 40%

At Teleport we provide secure access to our customers’ infrastructure adding passwordless SSO, session recording and audit for every connection. Every day our customers login into their clusters and connect to their infrastructure. We weren’t happy with how long it took ssh to establish connections to target hosts when going through Teleport proxy.