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Forward Networks

Using Insight to Tame ACL Management

Did you hear about the change window that went exactly as planned? No? That’s because the odds of winning the PowerBall without buying a ticket are better than the odds of executing a change window on a global network without a glitch. What about the story of the tier one network engineer that diagnosed and resolved an ACL in seconds? That one also seems as mythical as staying friends with your ex—but it’s not.

Actions Not Words, Demos Not Slides

In network operations, it’s never the same day twice. Most network engineers love this aspect, but it has a dark side. The best plans often fall to the wayside—in an instant work stops and firefighting begins. In the last year, I’ve been part of a whole-day colo move, diagnosed an outage in the middle of the night, and resolved a slow performance issue. I know what the networking operations experience is like, and I know how much better it can be.

Visualize a More Secure Network

Network security is a top-of-mind concern for business executives and technical leaders alike. The costs of a major breach can range in the hundreds of millions of dollars, and it can take years for companies’ reputations to recover. But when most people think about network security, network modeling, visualization, and path analysis probably don’t spring to mind. We believe it should.

How Network Engineers are Reclaiming Their Time

Speak with networking ops and engineering leads anywhere, and you’ll hear what I frequently hear: “The way my team actually spends their time is the opposite of how they feel they could best spend it.” The passion they have for their team and the network they keep running is clearly at odds with a frustrating feeling that they can’t get ahead.

Forward Fix: Streamlining and Scaling Automation Workflows

Technical Solutions Architect Glen Turner showcases how Forward can help solve enterprise automation problems. Enterprise IT organizations are promised speed, effectiveness, and efficiency through network automation, but rarely receive it. Foward Enterprise can help. Foward gives you effective network automation through collecting/parsing network state information, normalizing it into a vendor-agnostic data model, and exposing the model for workflow.

Forward Fix: Use Case for Network Query Engine Library

Technical Solutions Architect, Kevin Kuhls demonstrates a use case for Forward Enterprise's Network Query Engine (NQE) Library. Watch as he finds all BGP neighborships that are not in the established state without tediously logging into each router or writing complex scripting. Across all vendors and locations, Forward Enterprise models all the devices and NQE allows you to grab the data you want.