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Password Management

How to use 1Password Families with both friends and relatives

Over the years, we’ve heard of many creative ways friends and families use shared vaults to manage their private information. While “Families” is in the name, 1Password supports every kind of family – whether you live together or separately, and whether you’re blood relatives, friends, or roommates. We want to make sharing personal data easy and secure for you and those you care about.

Random but Memorable - Episode 9.0: Puzzle Solving Developer Community with Stack Overflow

This week, we’re joined by Jeremiah Peschka from Stack Overflow to learn why building communities for developers is so important, and how code is reshaping our world in 2022. In Watchtower Weekly this episode, we also discuss how hacking communities have responded to the conflict in Ukraine and how graphics-chip giant, Nvidia, may have got revenge on its hackers. Plus, if Wordle wasn’t addictive enough, we also take a look at the lesser-known version: PassWORDLE!

Forgot your password? Learn how to reset and change passwords safely

Creating and remembering strong, unique passwords can be a challenge, and resetting them when you forget can be annoying and time-consuming. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If you adopt a password manager like 1Password, you can instantly generate and safely store all your passwords in one place.

5 Critical Cybersecurity Strategies for Remote Work Environments

Accommodating the sudden and massive increase in remote work environments raises major cybersecurity and logistics challenges, for every sized business in every industry. Even organizations that have an existing remote work infrastructure will need to scale it and protect it more than ever - and quickly. In this webinar, Keeper CEO and Co-founder, Darren Guccione, will explain how organizations can maintain robust cybersecurity while the majority of the global workforce works from home or other remote locations.

How to Mitigate the Risk of Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks are rapidly increasing in frequency and cost. According to security experts, ransomware was a $20 billion industry in 2021, with an attack happening every 11 seconds according to Cybersecurity Ventures. Organizations victimized by these attacks can lose access to their networks and data, incur steep financial losses, and suffer significant reputation damage. Watch our on-demand webinar of world-renowned cybersecurity expert Dr. Eric Cole and Keeper CEO Darren Guccione for a forward-looking conversation around.

Random but Memorable - Episode 8.9: Historically Bad Musical Movie

Today we're joined by 1Password's Director of Security, Adam Caudill (and an unexpected rooster 🐓), to give us a 1Password Basics primer on credential stuffing and how 1Password works to keep you safe online. We also can't peel our eyes away from the recent security news in Watchtower Weekly, but hey, it might get us access to the most prestigious eye-tracking apps – like MoviePass. To top it all off we have a musical-themed round of Ridiculous Requirements, including bonus points for theatrically singing. 🎭

Webcam security in the age of Zoom

The trusty webcam used to be a “nice to have” for the occasional job interview, virtual hangout, or simple YouTube recording. But that all changed when the pandemic started. In just a few months it became a daily tool for people around the world, from fully remote businesses to families and friends kept apart in lockdown.