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Endpoint Security

6 challenges when protecting a distributed workforce

When employees connect to professional networks remotely the cyber-threat level rises. Elements such as the expansion of the security perimeter of organizations when working remotely or the proliferation of threats from COVID-19-related topics have changed the way we understand cybersecurity. But there are other, more specific challenges that make it more difficult for MSPs to protect clients that have a remotely distributed workforce. These 6 challenges are.

No BS security: detect and automate with LimaCharlie & Tines

Why is there so much BS involved in the building and selling of security software? The security stack of the future – and of today, in the best companies – is composed of tools that focus on doing one thing extremely well, with transparent value and pricing, packaged in a product that the team will actually enjoy using. Join Eoin & Maxime, the founders of Tines and LimaCharlie, as we explore why "No BS" is the future of security, and put our own products to the test: building an end-to-end sophisticated detection and response flow using the free, ungated versions of our products.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) for containers and Kubernetes - Sysdig Secure

The increasing number of yearly reported data breaches and new critical vulnerabilities, such as log4j, impacting both small and large businesses shows that cyberthreats are real and targeting everyone. You can minimize risk by implementing runtime security and having an incident response plan in place to contain attacks. But, in container environments, responding fast to incidents is challenging.

Getting the best out of Samsung Knox management with Mobile Device Manager Plus

In case you missed it, Samsung Knox has verified Mobile Device Manager Plus as a Knox Validated Partner solution. This means that our EMM solution meets its business-level requirements for 2022, and that we support a wide range of features to help you get the best out of all your mobile devices that support Samsung Knox capabilities.

How to access 70% of Wi-Fi networks in a residential neighborhood

Israeli cybersecurity researcher and analyst Ido Hoorvitch has published the results of an experiment he conducted on residential Wi-Fi networks and the findings were surprising: he was able to crack about 70% of the hashes from residential Wi-Fi networks in one Tel Aviv neighborhood.

MSP: What role does AI play in cybersecurity?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in cybersecurity. This is confirmed by a recent Pulse survey of 191 senior executives from companies on four continents: two out of three organizations (68%) say they are using tools that use AI technologies and among those who are not yet using AI, 67% are considering adopting it.

Healthcare systems under attack

In October 2021, the IT systems of the Israeli healthcare system suffered a ransomware attack from which it took weeks to recover. Although the motive for the cyberattack on this occasion was not geopolitical but financial, government sources said they feared that far more dangerous incidents against this sector could be carried out by groups linked to foreign powers such as Iran.

Digital signatures must use MFA

Digital signatures are increasingly used in companies and public administrations. However, without adequate cybersecurity measures, this method can be a vector for cybercriminals and fraudsters: through social engineering they can dupe signer victims into believing a document is legitimate and, through their signature, obtain authorization to carry out other operations without their consent, among many other malicious activities. So, how can we avoid this?

Ugly Sweaters, Season's Greetings, and Cybersecurity Advice - Marketing Support

The pressure of creating products customers want to use while growing a business can take away from important priorities. Luckily, WatchGuard can support you with your marketing, whether that be web marketing, advertising, trade shows, and so much more.