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Content Management

Classifying Business Documents with Language Models

The Egnyte platform has been extended to support the classification of documents per business document type. It enables the Egnyte governance solution to assign documents to business document types, including invoices, contracts, NDAs, or financial statements. From a machine learning / AI perspective, it’s a natural language processing (NLP) problem—a classification task. The input is the raw text form of the document, and the output is the name of the class to which it belongs.

Three Key Advancements in Jobsite Technology to Improve Productivity

Did you know that 52 percent of all rework globally is caused by poor data and communication?1 In the construction industry, coordination between the office, subcontractors, partners, and multiple jobsites has always been a challenge. And with increasingly large files stemming from BIM, drone footage, and VR/AR applications, it is becoming more difficult to ensure everyone is in sync. Throw in COVID-19 and you have the perfect storm to significantly disrupt the pace of growth.

Review and Approve Part 11-Compliant Regulated Documents with Egnyte for Life Sciences

Life sciences teams are more decentralized than ever, yet the need for speed persists. Even before the pandemic, the ability to bring together quality, clinical, and regulatory personnel to hit project timelines is what separated successful projects from those that languished. The pandemic added another barrier to an already complex venture.

Where is Your Center of the Universe for Business Content?

Five hundred years ago, astronomers believed the Earth was at the center of the universe. They calculated the orbits of the planets, the sun, and other stars based on this truth. Turns out, these calculations were not very accurate and astronomers had to repeatedly and incorrectly model their equations to conform with this truth. That was until Nicolaus Copernicus challenged the premise of the Earth at the center of the universe and posited the Sun to be at the center of the solar system.

Fulcrum Therapeutics - A Single Repository For Collaboration, Compliance, and Control

Chris Moxham, Ph.D., is the Chief Scientific Officer at Fulcrum Therapeutics, an innovative biotech addressing the causes of genetically defined disease. By developing treatments that address the root cause of disease, Fulcrum goes a step further than creating therapies that just manage symptoms and develops treatments that alter the genetic expression of disease, enabling life-changing outcomes.

Better Together: Egnyte's Construction Integrations

Construction, like any industry, relies on software throughout all phases of a project. From inception to completion, a plethora of programs come into play to facilitate each task at hand. The unfortunate part of having so many applications working side by side is that they treat the data the same way – side by side, in their own silos. Very often, data produced by these applications moves and morphs into the next phase – a bid becoming the basis for a contract, for example.

Buyer's Guide for GxP-Compliant Document Management

According to the FDA, 30 percent of clinical trials are flagged for data-integrity violations (i.e. missing source data and corrupted audit trails). The patchwork of evolving regulations, as well as relying on non-compliant consumer-grade technology to handle data collection and storage, are often hurdles in getting your raw data into a format that is submission-ready.

Get internet-level search to find your business content with Egnyte and BA Insight

Have you ever looked for a file but didn’t remember which application it was stored in? Did you perhaps wish the application had the same search capabilities as Google? As internet search continues to evolve and provide a better user experience, business leaders are mired with complaints because their knowledge workers search “store-by-store” and can’t find what they are looking for inside their organization’s file share or cloud-content repositories.

Fact vs. Fiction: Common Data Environment and Interoperability in Construction

A number of software packages offer data storage in the cloud. Convenient? Yes, however, the data resides in its own silo which can make it difficult to manage – from security with a clear audit history, to accessibility to making sure the latest content is available to project stakeholders. A true common data environment (CDE), keeps and protects all that content in a single, secure repository in the cloud with integrations to applications.

Remote Work and Data Security: The Human Factor

If you read our earlier blog, you know Egnyte commissioned a study to better understand how COVID-19 has impacted businesses’ ability to maintain data security and governance with a distributed workforce. The results can be found in our inaugural Data Governance Trends Report. The report offers insights into tools that the 400 IT leaders implemented to help weather the abrupt change, but it also explains the human side of data protection and governance in the age of COVID.