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Content Management

Offline Access on a Mobile Device

The Egnyte Mobile App gives you access to content from your smartphone or tablet. For those times you find yourself without an internet connection, you can still easily get to content you’ve marked for offline access. From the ellipsis menu, simply select Mark Offline to keep a copy of the file locally on your device. Your offline content can be found under the offline tab and where you can easily update your local copies to ensure you have access to the latest versions, and remove them to free up space on your device.

Decibel Therapeutics Transforms Clinical Trial Document Management with Egnyte

The documentation around clinical studies is large and diverse – and it all must adhere to GxP standards. Learn how Heather Wolff, Vice President, Clinical Development Operations at Decibel Therapeutics, and her team of data managers, clinical operation experts, regulatory operations, medical writers, and biostats use Egnyte to streamline their compliance and data management processes. And, to learn more about how Egnyte helps other life sciences companies store, share, and audit critical documentation around clinical trials, visit:

Use Egnyte to Guard Against Insider Threats from Outgoing Employees

One of the biggest societal trends of 2021 has been the “Great Resignation.” For a variety of reasons—including a robust job market and the ongoing impact of the global pandemic—an average of 3.8 million U.S. workers quit their jobs on a monthly basis so far this year. That’s on pace to be the highest resignation rate on record, and the trend recently expanded to include international locations, such as Germany and Denmark.

Recover from a Ransomware Attack with Egnyte's Self-Service Feature

Ransomware is on the rise and shows no signs of slowing. In the past year alone, major ransomware attacks have hit just about every major industry, including health care, physical infrastructure, digital infrastructure, and food. It’s no longer a matter of if, but when an organization will be attacked, which is why most companies now spend considerable resources to defend against ransomware attacks.

View and Annotate CAD Files in Field Quickly and Inexpensively

Everyday thousands, if not millions, of dollars are wasted on delays and reworks caused by project teams not having access to the latest files. And while there are myriad reasons for this waste, one of the biggest culprits is field teams' inability to easily access CAD files on-site. Computer-aided design, or CAD, has become the backbone of most construction projects because its precision improves design quality and facilitates better communication through documentation.

Review and Approve GxP Documents with Egnyte

Multiple team members within a life science company may need to periodically review and approve GxP documents for compliance purposes, including those on the clinical, regulatory, quality and product teams. And with so many parties involved, you need to establish a clear and uniform set of instructions to ensure the process is a success.

Cloud File Sharing for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) Overview

In this video, Director of MSP Community and Enablement, Eric Anthony, gives an overview of Egnyte and how you can tailor our cloud file sharing tool to the needs of your clients. As a Managed Service Provider or MSP, referring your clients to resources that best fit their needs is imperative to fostering a long-term working relationship. At Egnyte, we give you the support you need to help your clients make informed decisions to keep collaboration simple, adhere to industry-specific regulations, and most importantly, keep their data secure.