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What is Meant by Applied Quantum Computing?

The world of quantum computing is one that has excited technologists and scientists alike for some time. But what is meant by applied quantum computing? In essence, the term 'applied quantum computing' refers to the practical application and implementation of quantum computing algorithms and techniques to solve real-world problems. Such applications of quantum computing can be used to solve problems in fields such as medicine, finance, engineering, and many other areas where complex and extensive calculations are necessary.

How Blockchain Technology Is Impacting Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies have become the latest buzz in the online world. Experts are speculating that this new technology will revolutionize the financial system with its soaring crypto prices, and even change the way we live our lives. This article aims to demystify cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and demonstrate how they interact with each other to create a revolution of their own kind.

5 Data Center Security Threats Businesses Must be Aware of in 2023

As reported by CIOSEA News, global cyber attacks saw an increase by 38 percent in 2022. This is in comparison to the percentage of such attacks seen in 2021. It's an alarming situation, one that clearly shows that cyber security threats are constantly growing. In some countries, cyber attacks were more severe and greater in number than in others. DIGIT News reported that the UK saw a 77 percent increase in cyber attacks in 2022. These are astounding figures, and they all point to how dangerous cyberspace has become.

What is Data Room Due Diligence and Why Should You Care?

You have to wonder about modern technology that makes life much easier for you and your employees when going through not only business processes but in everyday life as well. You can take a look at a virtual data room that has been created specifically for going through due diligence. This will be your starting point for your journey into modern technology.

How Houston-Based Businesses and Organizations Can Protect Themselves from Data Breaches

Earlier last year, Houston Daily reported that the Houston Health Department had a security breach that leaked around 10,000 COVID-19 patients' data. This caused a panic, and of course, the health department had to respond. At the same time, many businesses and organizations in the area also grew alert about the implications a data breach could have.

How to value a business

The process of estimating a company's worth is called a valuation. All aspects of a company are considered to arrive at an accurate assessment of the whole and its constituent parts. Many legal and financial situations call for an accurate assessment of a company's worth, such as during a sale, the distribution of partnership interests, taxation, or even a marital dissolution. Many business owners consult with outside valuation experts when trying to get a handle on how much their company is worth.

Latest and Best Software and Tools for New Businesses

As an entrepreneur, you know that the best tools and software can make a huge difference in your development as a business owner. From managing your business to growing it, from scaling it up to automating it, these are some of the most exciting tools available for entrepreneurs who want to build their businesses.

Security Awareness Training for Employees - Tips to Protect Your Staff At Co-Working Spaces

As an owner of a co-working space, you must ensure that the employees are trained to stay safe. It is because they will be responsible for handling various tasks and responsibilities. You can do this by providing them with safety training courses. In addition, it will help them be aware of the dangers they may face while working in your business. Here are a few tips to protect your employees in co-working spaces.

Impact of Cloud-based Platforms on School Security

Managing a learning environment is no longer limited to lessons in reading or arithmetic, physical education, or art and music. Today's education administrators are challenged with security risks, emergency responses, and dealing with incidents. Together with fostering a positive learning environment, they must also ensure the optimization of security protocols and the safety of staff and students.