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Data Centers

The benefits of DDI solutions for modern data center networks

Data center networks are the backbone of today’s digital economy, powering everything from cloud services to big data analytics. In today’s fast-paced digital environment, the rise of mobile apps, the 5G revolution, and the advancement of technologies like IoT and AI are reshaping the demands on technology infrastructure. This has led to a heightened need for data centers that are scalable, flexible, resilient, and efficient.

Introducing the Project Argus Datacenter-ready Secure Control Module design specification

Historically, data center servers have used motherboards that included all key components on a single circuit board. The DC-SCM (Datacenter-ready Secure Control Module) decouples server management and security functions from a traditional server motherboard, enabling development of server management and security solutions independent of server architecture.

Which SSE Can Replace the Physical Datacenter Firewalls?

Migrating a branch firewall to cloud? Pretty straightforward.... But enterprise security teams often find it challenging when contemplating moving the datacenter FW to the cloud. Unlike the branch firewall or UTM, the datacenter FW is responsible for providing visibility and control over inbound and outbound internet traffic, WAN traffic, vLAN traffic, and more. In this whitepaper, understand all the challenges that come with migrating your datacenter FW to the cloud, in addition to.

5 Data Center Security Threats Businesses Must be Aware of in 2023

As reported by CIOSEA News, global cyber attacks saw an increase by 38 percent in 2022. This is in comparison to the percentage of such attacks seen in 2021. It's an alarming situation, one that clearly shows that cyber security threats are constantly growing. In some countries, cyber attacks were more severe and greater in number than in others. DIGIT News reported that the UK saw a 77 percent increase in cyber attacks in 2022. These are astounding figures, and they all point to how dangerous cyberspace has become.

6 Data Center Security Standards You Need to Implement

In October 2022, data center construction reached a record high, reflecting our reliance on collecting, storing, and securing data. This reliance permeates businesses across all industries and puts pressure on data centers storing and processing large amounts of data–much of which is sensitive.