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Snyk Container in 2021: Shifting container security all the way left

No matter how you slice it, the use of containers and Kubernetes continues to swell. And recent high profile vulnerabilities-that-shall-not-be-named have shown us how important container security is for an overall application security program. Protecting your own code, your dependencies, and the containerized services you use are all a must.

Snyk IaC in 2021: Leading infrastructure as code security for developers

With great automation, comes great risk. The advent of infrastructure as code brought about automation for the tedium of deploying, provisioning, and managing resources in public clouds with declarative scripts. However, this automation increased the importance of creating secure IaC scripts or configurations with cloud infrastructure misconfigurations being cited as the biggest area of increased concern (58%) from 2020 to 2021 in the 2021 Snyk Cloud Native Application Security report.

Snyk Open Source in 2021: A year of innovation

More than 90% of organizations rely on open source software, a reliance that introduces a significant amount of security and legal risk via either direct or transitive open source dependencies. To overcome this challenge, Software Composition Analysis (SCA) solutions are playing an increasingly important role in helping organizations successfully identify and mitigate potential security issues.

Snyk Code in 2021: Redefining SAST

Starting in early 2021, Snyk Code and became available as a freemium offering for Snyk users. Snyk Code helps developers quickly and accurately find, prioritize, and fix security flaws in proprietary code. With detailed remediation guidance at every stage of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), from the developer’s environment (IDE) to continuous integration and development (CI/CD) pipelines, Snyk Code revolutionizes static application security testing (SAST).